I now have a problem. I am using Egg.js,Egg.js to enable csrf,POST requests by default. All csrf,POST requests need to be accompanied by csrf headers. CsrfToken is in Cookie. The problem is that my first access is a POST request, but there is no csrfToe...
currently want to use koa2 to build a middle-tier agent, tried: koa2-cors koa2-proxy-middleware koa-server-http-proxy koa-better-http-proxy install demo configuration, which doesn t work at all. The front end uses an axios req...
const router = require( koa-router )(); const fs = require( fs ); router.post( upload , async (ctx){ const file = ctx.request.body.files.file; const reader = fs.createReadStream(file.path); const ext = file.name.split( ...
I used until s promisify to change the verify in jwt into Synchronize s. When I called this function and passed in an expired token, he reported an error and the program stopped going! const util = require( util ); const verify = util.promisify(jwt...
Let s briefly describe the project first spa application of version 6.x of view layer angualr.js angular calls the api API of node directly, and node invokes the service to add, delete, modify and query node version 8.11.x mainly uses koa2 frame...
problem description use KOA2+Sequelize to make a simple todo column, access the remote interface, add and modify actions, and the local store data is emptied the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried search Baidu...
server.js const Koa = require( koa ) const app = new Koa(); const bodyParser = require( koa-bodyparser ); app.use(bodyParser()); const Router = require( koa-router ); const fs = require( fs ); const router = new Router(); const UserController...
first of all, we need to build a koa2 environment, so I won t say much about it here. next you need to load koa-multer: npm install koa-multer-- save the specific code is as follows: first is the js section: const multer = require( koa-multer...
ask a question about the server structure. the current plan is for chat rooms to have functions such as login, public chat, custom groups, friends, private chat, and so on. every function must be a functional module. Here comes the problem: should I...
1. I am a novice, read a lot of documents, and use koa2 + koa-generator + monogoDB to build a demo, to try to write some simple interfaces. but the question is, how to format the returns uniformly? Or how does my project directory need to be set ...
the server is koa2,. How do I get the operation that the client canceled the request? ...
when I was practicing writing an interface with koa2, I encountered an ajax request for GET interface, such as the following $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: http: localhost:3000 user_new , headers: { Accept : application ...
what are the better recommended verification tools for koa projects? now I have seen several verification components such as node-validator,validate,koa-validate, which are either slightly complicated or do not support object and array verification. Plea...
var jwt = require( jsonwebtoken ) module.exports = async function (ctx, next) { const token = ctx.request.body.token || ctx.query.token || ctx.request.headers[ x-access-token ] if(token) { jwt.verify(token, zhiyuJS , function(er...
problem description how does koa+mysql, implement batch update and batch insert, realized batch deletions sql id let cartDelectById = (id) => { let sql = `delete from cart where cart_id = ${id};` return query(sql) } ...
Room schema var Room = new Schema({ title: String, author: String, body: String, owners: [ { type: ObjectId, ref: User , index: true } ] }) Room.find({ owners: user }) first question: why can the query here be written this way? How...
you cannot get cookie by using ctx.cookies.get in koa2. The print result is always undefined. the code is as follows router.post( user login , async (ctx, next) => { let {username, pwd} = ctx.request.body; let result = await User.f...
const books = await mysql( books ) .select( books.* , csessioninfo.user_info ) .join( csessioninfo , books.openid , csessioninfo.open_id ) .orderBy( id , desc ) code: ER_CANT_AGG...
when you guys contact koa for the first time, could you tell me what my ctx.body equals before I can return err.message? ...
the project I wrote in koa2 is ready to be deployed on the test server. The server has pm2, installed and started. Do you need nginx configuration? and after I started, I seemed to prompt that the mongodb service did not start, how should I start it? ...
output the converted decimal number in each binary number in memory (four bytes in total, each byte separated by a space) decimal number: 122 binary number: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001100 Code: for (int I = 31; I > = 0; iMel -) { std::cou...
in the project, there is a page with many keywords above and a list below. To click on the keywords above, the following list renders different data. my idea is to set custom attributes to keywords. When you click on keywords, assign custom attribute v...
app.vue Code <template> <div id="app"> <ipsa-menu style="position:relative;z-index: 999;" userPhoto="https: timgsa.baidu.com timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=...
the gitlab, environment is private, assuming that existing project A has two files A a.txt , A b.txt , and has a series of operations such as commit and merge. now a new project needs to be created due to business requirements, but the new project o...
Can the remote one-to-many association provided by TP5 be performed in the association preload? I ve tried. Why not? article article table field articleid.. article_typetag tag table field tagid. article_tagvalue article tag table field articleid t...