Let s first describe the reason. Today, I received a blackmail saying that my password was leaked while visiting an insecure website. The hacker had all my information and gave me a Trojan horse implanted in my computer. It is useless to change my emai...
what I do when I generate an order is: while ($row = mysqli....) { $id = substr(date( YmdHi , time()), -10); } because there will be dozens of orders in one second , but this will lead to the same order number . I have thought about using "uniqid "...
how to render a custom HTML page in iframe. The vue-cli@3.0 used in this project is built the following is a screenshot of the rendered page leek-chart.html iframe what is supposed to be rendered here is that leek-chart.html, s current ren...
the original domain name of our company s website has expired. I want to change it to another domain name. How can I change it? The website is developed using Aliyun s Yunmeng. ...
: member reference base type boost::property_tree:pree (aka int ) is not a structure or union ) boost::property_tree::ptree parser; boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(" home jiangsheng git2 jsnanotrader setting.json", p...
it is said on the Internet that the data dispersion of the modular algorithm is good, but this is not the case when I use windows+php+memcache testing locally. Looking at the memcache cache through the memadmin visualization tool, it is found that the n...