I put the war file in the clean and install of this project in idea into the webapps directory of the tomcat installation directory, and start tomcat, to look at any web page is The requested resource is not available. Only the home page of tomcat can b...
problem description my project is an aggregation project built with springboot and maven, and has a private maven library: Project: shop Module 1:email Module 2:wechat Module 3:service Module 4:base in which the base module depends on module 1,...
the problem occurs after running mvn help:system. The error message is as follows: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------...
the controller of each submodule is recognized, but the restful of spring-data-rest is not recognized. Do you need any special configuration? Environment: spring-boot1.5.15 ...
in my pom file, the configuration is as follows <profiles> <profile> <id>office< id> <properties> <profileActive>office< profileActive> < properties> <ac...
I have introduced a local jar package into my maven project, as shown in figure jarslf4jslf4j: is there a way to sort the slf4j referenced in my jar package? exclusions should not work here. ...
when using Idea before, because it is a non-springboot project, create three new dev,test,prod environments under the src main resources directory, and then switch to the environment under profiles under Maven projects on the right side of the IDEA. ...
the picture shows no replacement ...
problem description how does maven package a ssh project into a jar the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried I directly run package, to package the code with only background logic. Can I package it and include a...
I run a springboot project Run Configuration configuration is shown above, and parameter is -X-pl com.nan:web-am clean package-Dmaven.test.skip=true-Poffice after running, the result is: Connected to the target VM, address: transport...
intelliJ idea runs the maven project, and the progress bar at the bottom shows that it is Build all the time I have tried to set the memory of intelliJ, and the vmoptions of tomcat has also been modified, but the progress bar still shows that it has b...
maven suddenly encountered an exception and could not download any mirrored jar packages and pom files. The strange thing is that it is completely normal to access directly in the browser or directly curl links under the terminal. operating system is ...
my springboot project is configured in multiple environments. In pom.xml, as follows, I have set test to active, but ${profileActive} always points to dev, unless I delete the profile of dev. What is this about reluctantly pointing to test,? <profil...
I have a springboot project of maven this project has multiple modules, one parent pom, one api module, and then other modules rely on api module configure jenkins because this maven multi-module project is uploaded in the same git repository , so th...
I found a lot of solutions on the Internet, but it was still good in the morning. I replaced someone else s pom.xml file in the afternoon and reported an error. I hastened to replace the original one or keep reporting this error. Thank you for your hel...
it is no problem for ordinary jar packages to be uploaded to the deploy repository, but if the maven project is managed by multiple sub-projects, then the jar package generated by the sub-project is uploaded by the above method, and even if it is success...
The Mars.2 version of Eclipse doesn t come with the maven plug-in, so why can t I find the options in it? How to solve this situation? ...
recently set up a ssm project of my own. I used to use @ Autowired to try @ Resource this time. However, injection always fails when using resource, no error is reported at startup, and null pointer exception is reported at run time. error java.lang...
when importing maven projects main.javapackage but colleagues do not have this kind of problem when using it. Has any god ever encountered a similar situation? there is no train of thought. ...
error prompt: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project ssm-demo: There are t est failures. [ERROR] [ERROR] Please refer to C:UserslxIdeaProjectsssmdemotargetsurefire-reports ...
Let me first describe this problem in detail: 1. WeChat Mini Programs needs to first call Mini Program s network request interface (if the network is not good, remind the user that the network status is not good), and request user authorization (pop-u...
recently, when dealing with the expansion of a tree (root node with many layers of child nodes), using recursive expansion, there is a problem TmObject is a node object with child nodes, and objList is an array size = 1, but children has many layers. ...
the first line sets multiple div display:table-cell,. How to merge cells in the second row? <!DOCTYPE html> <div style="display:inline-table;"> <div style="display:table-row; background-color:red;"> <div ...
Array object a = Array object a = . Array object a = . Array object a = Array object: Array object a = Array object a = [] Array b = [a > the problem uses b as the sorting object to change the order of all the objects in the an array to a...
A React component, for which we are going to write a unit test, using Jest with react-dom test-utils, so how to change the props to cover componentDidUpdate and componentWillRecieveProps ? ...