when I was testing with SpringBootTest, I found that the program would be started, causing the console test results to be flooded by the program output, and it would take time and resources to start the program. Is there any way to do SpringBootTest tes...
1. The multi-module project established by mvn is divided into multiple start,service,dao modules 2. The code of the unit test is written under start, and the code in the service,dao is tested. executing the mvn test command will execute all the unit ...
1. If I have a class A with four methods of addition, deletion, modification and query, do I have to write all four methods in one test class when I write a unit test? 2. If written in a test class, then : : : : 3. Then inserting data in step 2 can b...
error prompt: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project ssm-demo: There are t est failures. [ERROR] [ERROR] Please refer to C:UserslxIdeaProjectsssmdemotargetsurefire-reports ...
optimize the performance of existing code, such as inserting one by one = "batch insertion wants to have an intuitive comparison before and after VS optimization so a unit test class is written specifically to time it as follows @Test public void fo...
junit@Ignore this is normal. It s weird. I use junit-4.12.jar ...
use springBootTest for unit test. The unit test code is as follows. @ SpringBootTest annotation scans all components, including @ Aspect annotated components. Note 1 is a service and performs database operations @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.cla...
the desired effect is to match the component to replace the original component. Why does the original component not disappear after I match it? could you tell me < router-view > < router-view > how to put it ?...
A pytharm django project packaged from someone else reported that mysqlclient was not installed in makemigrations, but I found mysqlclient in venvlibsite-packages. ...
The overall configuration parameters of the table are as follows chart: { renderTo: this.container, marginBottom: 70, marginRight: 40, marginTop: 50, plotBorderWidth: 1, width: 800...
because the pop-up boxes select , dialog of elementUI are superimposed z-index , the display of banner is somewhat flawed . for example, when the drop-down box scrolls over banner : bannerz-index: think of a way to hide the drop-down box ...
problem description in https: www.angular.cn, the parent component passes the value to the child component with one-way binding. In this case, @ input, is used instead of @ output,. But when I modify the value in the input in the child component, I ...