on IOS, the performance of the same set of pages in Safari is different from that in UC browsers; is this related to the operating system or browsers? ...
when we pull down the web page on the mobile side, the head will also come down when we reach the end, (the mobile browser seems to be like this by default. However, this will not happen on some web pages. Ask the boss for advice ...
I am in init.js Window.prototype.interface = function () { return https: xxx.xxxxxxx.com } Window.prototype.getParam=function (paramName) { var paramValue = "", isFound = !1; if (this.location.search.indexOf("?") == 0 &am...
projects developed using vue-cli scaffolding are almost done. Suddenly they are told that the browsers that come with the phone or the lower versions of the browsers (mostly chrome 37) do not display properly, only blank pages. first go to the pictures...
guys, I finally know why it s so painful to develop on mobile. (thanks to) ~, Today, I encountered a problem. In vue s project, when debugging a mobile browser, there is an audio tag. In any case, the song can only be played by clicking the play...
as the title on the iPhone, the positioning Fixed will disappear when you swipe the page, and it will appear again when it does not move. How to solve this problem? I refer to the solution of ...
how to reset after selecting a value in the drop-down box this.state({ code: , codeList: , }) componentWillMount(){ init(); } <Select ref="xzSelect" defaultValue="" onSelect={val => this.set...
ElementUI s DatePicker date selector always displays the date of the current month from the left when making a range date range selection, but I set the selection range to select only dates before that day. In this way, the default display from left to ...
enter in input and query to locate whether there is this value in the div, and then navigate to the page. now the problem is that I use replace, here and the data in this div can t be clicked. Please help the bosses to solve this problem. ...
the style changes after using the html2canvas screenshot. Excuse me, have you ever met a boss? How did you solve it? ...
can the router-link tag jump through a click event without going through the to jump? Or what events will be triggered when router-link jumps? ...