I use go s exec.command to execute usr local nginx sbin nginx-v command to get version information. I can t get any returned results. If I execute redis-v mysql-v and so on, I can get the correct results. And I have no problem with manually executin...
server { listen 443; server_name www.yozann.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate usr local nginx conf 1_www.yozann.com_bundle.crt; ssl_certificate_key usr local nginx conf 2_www.yozann.com.key; ...
various configurations of browsers and servers can be matched. But css, png can be compressed, but not javascript. nginx for windows 1.12 Environment: not even HTTP Request by Chrome Opera browsers: NGINX SERVER:nginx.conf: mime.types: < hr...
< H2 > 1 Environment description-- three services within K8s are mapped to node, which are abc services < H2 >. upstream a { server; server; server; ip_hash; } upstream b { server...
the database was running and suddenly broke the link. So I went to the server to check the status of mysql, notrunning start error report such as title follow the prompts to view the pid file on the specified path create the corresponding pid file...
Today, the test site suddenly threw a (failed:net::ERR_COMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING) error, and then the domain name in the web request is like this www.xxx.cc :-Infinity,. What s going on? uses nginx page rendering directly with php ...
We know that in nginx.conf, you need to configure fastCGI,php. You need to install the php-fpm extension and start the php-fpm daemon before nginx can parse the php script. Let s get to the point: 1. In Nginx, is it necessary to configure php-fpm to...
due to the needs of the project, the front-end js cannot cross domains, so I use nginx to reverse proxy. Since I am testing locally, I am a windows system. Nginx listens to 8010. Apache listens to 8080. Local hosts mychain.com nginx is con...
need to transfer userid to openid reference documentation: http: work.weixin.qq.com api. enter http: work.weixin.qq.com api. into the browser to get openid, so ask this address in the project not to request the address in that silly document, and...
recently there is a project with completely separate front and rear ends, and the approximate requirements are as follows: Project path |-php_project |-pc_front_project |-wap_front_project pc page corresponding domain name whj.domain.com nginx ro...
question: [warn] conflicting server name "bbs. * .com " on 80, ignored configures the https access of the primary domain name, how to realize the http access of the secondary domain name the main website is configured as follows: serve...
in nginx, can server_name be set to the ip address? server { listen 8000; server_name; access_log data ldl logs main; location index01.html { alias data ldl repo QQpro...
at present, I have a website with both static and dynamic interfaces. I wonder if I can build a tomcat cluster on a server and then use nginx to configure load balancers. Can I increase the number of concurrency of this website? Server environment: gene...
logs in to a remote machine with root privileges and creates some static files under root, something like this: nginxnginx.confuserwww-data, root: what I am curious about here is that the permissions of my files and folders should be readable to...
recently, I have been learning to use Nginx s https reverse proxy and choose HowNet as the real server to be proxied for testing. configuration file cnki.conf: server { listen 8080; server_name *.zhongxiaocnki.net; include enable_ssl.conf; ...
A single-page application developed by vue (which enables opening sub-routes to be displayed on a new tag) is published and placed in nginx, and sub-routes are opened on the new tag, showing 404 . nginx.conf http { include mime.types; ...
as mentioned, I want to show my static page on port 80. below var www blog is the configuration file of my static resource nginx etc nginx cond.f blog.conf . I wrote this . server { listen 80; location { root var www blog; ...
I have developed a django+Vue application locally, and now I m going to configure it to the nginx server on Tencent Cloud s server. Now I m going to clone the project to the server with git, and then the npm build Vue part will configure django to ngi...
error installing the full version of nginx-full with homebrem on mac seems to be that homebrew doesn t have this package, but I think it s right to install it in someone else s video. brew install nginx-full --with-rtmp-module Error: No available f...
in the virtual user configuration of vsftp, as long as guestname is set to the user to which nginx belongs, when ftp connects, it does not enter the directory set by the local_root parameter, but to the home nginx directory. Nginx users do not have a ...
scsscss ...
* * var slice_upload = { fileInput: null, html file fileFilter: [], url: , ajax nSlice_count: 100, nFactCount: null, nMin_size: 0.5, (M) nMax_size: 5, (M), totalSize: 0, , uploadSize: 0, error: 0, fdata: , , ...
list items-sharp-sharp-sharp problem description such as the title. The use of fullpage, in the project has an excess screen, and there is a requirement that the function is triggered when the excess screen is pulled down to a certain position, but ...
struct stc { int arr[1]; flexible array member is not supported in CPP }; void test(std::initializer_list<int> lst) { for (auto l : lst) std::cout << l << std::endl; } int main() { stc s; for (int i = 0; i &l...
at present, there is a requirement to use Mini Program s swiper component to wrap the list of several items and swipe left and right to switch different lists, but the height of swiper is not self-adaptive. ), so if you want to get the height of the lis...