for example, the navigation bar has two buttons with the following address: page1 A.vue page2 B.vue at this time, there are secondary pages called A1.vue and B1.vue in An and B page1 subpage1 A1.vue pa...
the code is as follows <template> <li> <nuxt-link to=" " :class="{ active :isActive }">< nuxt-link> < li> <li> ...
the entire project URL was made in jq at the beginning, but now it is necessary to render the nuxt.js. encapsulated by vue s ssr on the server side. In the process of relocation, it was found that many grammar writing habits of the original project wer...
problem description the company is going to develop an e-commerce website, which is developed by java in the background, and the front-end project has always been developed using vue.js, but the single-page mode is not friendly to the search engine, s...
template code is <div class="news_title" v-on:click="news_title" > <ul> <li class="news_active" type1="0">< li> <li type1="1">< li> <li...
template code is <div class="news_title" v-on:click="news_title" > <ul> <li class="news_active" type1="0">< li> <li type1="1">< li> <li...
A requirement of our company is to set different subdomains for different modules. For example, the home page for renting is, and the home page for buying a house is, but for a nuxt project, the root path can only correspon...
considering the problem of SEO optimization, the project uses the nuxt framework. now there are three issues that I don t quite understand. I hope the Great God will take the time to explain them in the midst of his busy schedule. Thank you. 1.nuxt...
does it mean that if you create a project in nuxt, you don t need vue scaffolding? recently, server rendering did not understand this problem. Before you created a vue project, you used vue init or vue create scaffolding. Now nuxt itself can initialize...
package using nuxt framework and spa mode. After executing npm run build, the index.html in the dist folder reports an error after it is opened. nuxt.config.js is as follows. Only a few parameters in head are modified, others are not modified const...
A home page that needs to distinguish between multiple countries the current directory is like this index_countrytNameindex _countryName.vue the route country in this place can be empty. what s the difference? ...
koa API: http: xxx, weapp t. Direct address bar access display 404 it should be that nuxt accesses the weapp token page under the page project by default. If I want to access the koa interface in the address bar, how can I? ...
__webpack_require__.n(core_js_modules_es6_object_assign__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__); will there be a problem if you ignore this debug, packaging deployment online? ...
the project is a ssr project using the nuxt.js framework, and the nuxt version uses version 1.x. In the configuration project, nuxt.config.js does not set caching. Why is the data from the actual development server strongly cached, the data obtained from...
download the project from the official website via git package.json npm nuxtpm2 ...
{{item}}< li> <li>1569< li> < ul> < div> < template> <script> import axios from axios export default { layout: search , data(){ return { list: [] ...
problem description now the page data of the first version is rendered through asyncData, and then you want to get the list data by clicking load and more, but the effect is that the data obtained through the API cannot be rendered to the page. th...
this is what happens after the npm run build is executed the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried developed with nuxt, published with Ubuntu, reported an error after .nuxt, package.json,nuxt.config.js,node_mode...
problem description the project is initialized with create-nuxt-app, and after the development is completed using koa2 , you are ready to try it on the local deployment first, so you encounter a strange problem. the project completes the npm build ge...
This dependency was not found: friendly-errors 23:33:14 D:Vue studymeituannuxt-koa.nuxtclient.js in multi webpack-hot-middleware clie...
ask, how do I end the corresponding excel process after using pywin32 to deal with shutting down cmd while excel, is running? ...
background: recently received a task that needs to develop a background page. The background can generate a new page by typesetting by dragging components, such as the following figure (intrusion and deletion) it can be operated almost locally. On...
ajax encapsulates a method, which can be used normally in the same domain. It still doesn t work to change dataType to "jsonp " after cross-domain. What s wrong with it? The code is as follows: SendGetMessage (uri, args = {}, callBack) { args[&q...
time_list = response.xpath( div[@class="listBox"] ul[@class="list"] li span text() ).extract() xpath for item in response.xpath( div[@class="listBox"] ul[@class="list"] li ): time=item.xpath( ...