what is the difference between personal access token and json web token for user Authentication? A personal access token is just a JWT created for user authentication with your own frontend to offer your users a dashboard for managing personal acces...
Why does the authenticator mode in oauth2 have to go to the resource server to obtain a code before obtaining the token, and then use the code of the resource server to apply for token? from the resource server after reading a lot of materials, it is ...
there are two modes of OAuth protocol in Tencent QQ Internet platform. The specific process is understood, but the differences in usage scenarios are not clear: the first is client-side mode : using OAuth2 s Implicit_Grant mode the second is serv...
1. Recently, when I looked at the oauth2 protocol, I found that it was mentioned that after changing an token, with an account password to the server, the request would use token; . I always feel that this token is equivalent to a password at this time...
:http: AU api aus da AU api app * ** @Path(" da {"+ParameterNames.RESOURCE_URI+"}") @GET @Produces(MimeType.JSON) @GZIP public OutputData dataAuthorityItems(@HeaderParam(ParameterNames.ACCESS_TOKEN) Acces...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error message actu...
after packing, you can also find the dist folder under .nuxt, but the generated files are different from those packaged with vue before. What files do you want to deploy to the server? What kind of configuration does the server have to do again ask fo...
the chunkhash will change every time it is packaged, and the source code will change as well. How to avoid ...
axios.get(path, { timeout: 1000, params: { id: 12 } }); repeatedly checked, backend 3 seconds to respond, I set axios 1 second timeout, but axios has not entered the catch, how fat 4? ...