my computer is mac, I want to do openresty development, but I don t want to install lua, luarocks and openresty, on my mac. I want to use openresty under docker as the development environment, but I have no experience, so I would like to ask, how do you...
local brew install openresty brew openresty Updating Homebrew... ==> Installing openresty from openresty brew ==> Downloading https: download openresty- Already downloaded: Users zhangwei Library Caches Homebrew dow...
your own production environment: centos7,openresty,php,mysql problem: IP access is normal. Enter ip install to display 403 Forbidden,. I can t change the permission to usr local openresty nginx html directory to 777. How can I solve this problem? ...
nginx.conf has a configuration like this location { default_type application json;charset=utf-8 ; -sharp here must be use rewrite_by_lua instead of content_by_lua rewrite_by_lua -sharp url ...
< H2 > describe my problem < H2 > system: debian 8.0x64 server: Openresty default installation novice, the question is relatively simple, I beg your pardon problem description: I need to implement a unique match on request_uri (request p...
can nginx itself do that? It is better to use openresty ...
the path to install is usr local openresty nginx Today, the nginx.conf file has been modified. It needs to be saved and restarted execute: [root@newoneacreland ~]-sharp usr local openresty nginx-s reload -bash: usr local openresty nginx: Is ...
Business: clustering members according to member RFM data. data: CSV,40MB, is greater than 100000 rows. problem: error using factoextra package hkmeans function: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 8143.6 Gb ...
I have learned some knowledge about the internal structure of the execution context before, and I probably know that there are variable objects VO AO, this, scope chain Scope and other properties inside the execution context. Today I read the ...
the same script just can t be connected on minimal, just upgrade to Server with GUI. Thank you, la. ...
nginx error, the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because queue was full, means that there are too many concurrent connections, the buffer is occupied, and it is 502 to restart the nginx access service. It is said that backlog is not enough. Whic...
has a demand. We need to search for the corresponding transportation company according to origin and destination . origin and destination need to select provinces, cities, regions (counties). If there is no corresponding transportation company in...