I want to develop an application to connect to the linux server through ssh and perform some operations, but I don t know how to connect android to ssh ...
as shown in the figure, I formatter an input box in a column of table. What I want to achieve now is that after entering the value in the input box, the cells in the last two columns respond and reassign the value. Can it be achieved? ...
public function roles() { return $this->hasOne( App Models Role )->where( type ,$this->type); } $this- > type can t get any value? Why is that? The value of $this- > attributes is also an empty array. Why? ...
now there are multiple servers + a web server deployed by load balancer. The same laravel code runs on each server, and each day generates different log files to the storage folder of their respective server. How to make them Synchronize? then every time...
angular1.0 ionic app, uses the keyboard to enter content, and when you click the next button, determine whether the inputs.inputTwo has content, and pop up a prompt if not. The page code is as follows: <span> <input ng-model="inputs.in...
Is once hello or h-he-hel-hell-hello all five times? ...