for example, this PAC file, what is the backend server to use to build function FindProxyForURL(url, host){ if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")) { return "PROXY"; }else{ return "DIRECT"; } } ...
well, I wrote a timer with a callback function func struct Timer { std::function<void(int)> func; ---- sockfd ... Timer(int fd) : clientFd(fd) { ... } }; has a time wheel class TimeWheel { private: st...
how does autodesk forge get accessToken (JS or c-sharp automatically? In other words, how to automatically obtain the accesstoken below? ...
There is such a sentence on elementui, which is not explained by looking up the data. What is this? ...
for example, I have an address: ?abc=123&xyz=987 I want to change the abc variable to 456, keep the other variables as they are, and return the new URI address. the method currently used is regular matching: function uridis($act,$val){return...
I want to traverse all the png files under images and cram their paths into an array directory structure this await is not valid. ...