the server uses the CGI,B page button POST method to point to the script. script processing takes a long time and generates a new page B. but after A clicks the button, the page content does not change, the window title shows the loading ci...
bugzillaperlTemplate-Toolkit-2.28: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status dmake.exe: Error code 129, while making .. blib arch auto Template Stash XS XS .dll dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making subdirs ATOOMIC Template-Toolkit-2.28.tar.gz...
The function is defined as sub Modify_Debug {$Debug=shift;} . Is there any syntax sugar? ...
are there any good plug-ins to recommend? ...
Hello. I want the program to complete and form the following file , but the perl program cannot be written. Can you be busy ? id times 1 2 21 3 3 results in id start 11 10 1 11 20 21 10 3 1 10 3 11 20 3 21 30 ...
now you need to match the Chinese punctuation in the English Word document. $reg = [.?! ,: " () " < > [] "(). -~ examples] upright; matching results always match English double quotation marks and single quotation marks into Chinese. for...
has a paragraph of characters <span style="color:rgb(85, 255, 255)">< span> want to extract and replace it with jian85255255 wrote a simple match like this [ u4e00- u9fa5] < = "color :rgb ( but only m...
I installed mingw on my computer and then downloaded the openssl source code installation prompt as follows: Perl v5.10.0 required--this is only v5.8.8, stopped at. configure line 12 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at. configure line 12 then I ...
is there a ready-made formula to obtain translate,rotate and scale s from transform: matrix (a _ r _ e _ ref)? ...
I saw a video where a script controls Mario s automatic customs clearance. How does it control the movement of game characters? Or, how do I tell the progress of the game that I "pressed " a key? I am very interested in this, but I have no contact with...
use an article details interface written in the koa framework, router is: post :id. When the address bar enters localhost:3000 post 5c3edc8815ec073b1c221563, the article details API is called twice in a row. The id obtained by for the first time is ...
I know that spring form can be used to bind form elements to pojo. As follows <%@ taglib uri="http: tags form" prefix="form" %> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text html; charse...
problem description use the element paging component to query data. After the item is removed from the shelf, get the data on the first page. The page is still page 6. use current-page set to 1, which does not work. what to do? ...