to achieve session persistence and ensure that it never expires, my approach is to set the session expiration time in web.xml <session-config> <session-timeout>0< session-timeout> < session-config> at the same time, I didn...
the environment of the front-end web page is a browser, and there are cross-domain problems. Hybrid app is in the webview component of app. My understanding is that webview is a small browser and should also have cross-domain problems. webview uses the...
What is the principle of cross-domain proxy proxyTable in 1.node? 2. When I do not set CORS on both the browser and the server, I can cross-domain by setting proxytable. Does this go against the original intention of the same origin policy? ps: woul...
how to write event...
The requirement for is: an address list, click the letter in the alphabet on the right, and the list jumps to the corresponding initials section. The structure of the component is an alphabetical component in the root component, and there is a dynam...
the iframe layer listening keyboard enter event popped up by is invalid. Ask for advice ...