the configuration of both PHP and nginx has been modified to allow 50m files to be uploaded but this error is still reported Symfony Component HttpKernel Exception MethodNotAllowedHttpException No message Properties of the form form <form cla...
now we have a problem. There is a $sign in a string. I want to remove the $symbol from smarty, and then take out the following number ....
there is no problem with this access Route::get( register , index register register )->middleware( Login ); Route::get( login , index login login )->middleware( Login ); the manual also says that middleware forms that support rou...
is TARS-PHP only positioned to provide a rpc framework? the component of the sense is not provided. how do you deal with this situation at this stage? team development, do you have a recommended framework? ...
fopen (): SSL operation failed with code. OpenSSL Error messages: error:140943FC:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad record mac what is the problem, please? How to solve it? My operating environment is PHP7 ...
<li class=""><a href=" admin reimburse1?ref=addtabs" addtabs="131" url=" admin reimburse1" py="dwsh" pinyin="danweishenhe"><i class="fa fa-circle-o fa-fw">< i> ...
horizontal ultra vires operation and vertical ultra vires operation. The former refers to an attacker s attempt to access the resources of a user with the same permissions as him, while the latter refers to a low-level attacker s attempt to access the...
$product_name = $pdo->query( "SELECT * FROM `stock` as s JOIN `product` as p ON p.prod_id = s.prod_id WHERE s.order_id = {$first_order[ order_id ]} " ); $productNameArray = null; while ($row = mysqli...
Let s talk about the background first: the backend is a node.js + nginx reverse proxy that provides interface apid. The Ali cloud server is used. The project is very small, so we simply provide WeChat Mini Programs s api. . the problem is that the ...
http: http: just like the website above, you can switch directly to the local sub-station on the main station. After the switching, the information and the delivery place are all the places after the s...
abstract class BaseRepositoryApi extends Prettus Repository Eloquent BaseRepository { public function paginate($perPage = null, $page = null, $columns = [ * ]) { $userModel = new User(); $userModel->where( user_type , ...
this is true. If the mall wants to dock with third-party payment, now it needs to add a callback log in the payment callback entry, and all requests that have entered the callback are saved in the log. Now there is a question as to whether the callback l...
The requirement is as follows: calculate a grade based on an interval Diamond Shop < table > < thead > < tr > < th align= "center " > drill into the store < th > < th align= "center " > Erjing Store < th > < th align= "center " > three Di...
$(document).ready(function() { product_online(<?=$prodIdForOnline;?>, <?=$urlForOnline;?> ); product_update_online(<?=$prodIdForOnline;?>, <?=$urlForOnline;?> ); }); function product_online(id, url){ $( -sh...
currently, I can only get cell values through getCell ( "A4 ")-> getValue () , but there is a problem. Sometimes I want to delete or add a column, which destroys other values I want to save (because the data on xlsx tables A to Z has changed), so I have...
return array ( version migrated goods , packing list = > package list , save = > save , save remarks = > save , save success = > save success , save failure = > save failure , ); how to handle site-wide transl...
recently, when you use phpexcel to deal with xlsx files, when the files are downloaded through Wechat, they are always recognized by phpexcel as html files, but they are really xlsx suffixes. They can also be opened normally with wps and displayed with ...
* * var slice_upload = { fileInput: null, html file fileFilter: [], url: , ajax nSlice_count: 100, nFactCount: null, nMin_size: 0.5, (M) nMax_size: 5, (M), totalSize: 0, , uploadSize: 0, error: 0, fdata: , , ...
online time() online 20 id 2 s online_status deduction time () has been higher than 30, but id 1 does not have it, but it is still found out? ...
add sliding left and right toggle real events var windowHeight = $(window).height(), $body = $("body"); $body.css("height", windowHeight); $("body").on("touchstart", function(e) { e...
html: {{this.starts}} js: data() { return { seconds1: 86400, starts: (Date.parse(new Date()) 1000) - Number(this.seconds1), result: NaN Why is it NaN?? ...
now the interface side gives an interface for uploading pictures and says that it wants to be in multipart form-data format. Now there is a problem when transmitting data. The code is as follows <f7-input type="file" id="...
I just thought of this, and I wanted to ask I also have a few ideas of my own. I don t know if they are correct. Please give me some advice . try to implement the logic in the background rather than in the foreground. for example, just now I wan...
< H2 > scenario 1 < H2 > suppose: one two such a directory structure. is the entry, and the content is as follows: one.Test two.Test import one.Test; import two.Test; public class App { pub...