when phpexcel exports excel, both the server and the local file are exported. Why does the excel on my server have data, the local one is blank, and there is nothing left? $param = [] uid => 2120872 ]; $order = Jdbc:...
such as the title. document here: http: doc.workerman.net appe... what is the use of this agreement? Is used to test telnet? ...
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http: schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope " xmlns:soapenc="http: schemas.xmlsoap.org soap encoding " xmlns:xsd="http: www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http: www.w3.org 2001 XML...
https: developer.paypal.com this document is almost all English, would like to ask whether there is a Chinese document and this payment interface development similar to Alipay and Wechat? ...
if both sides of the ^ operator are integers, it will naturally convert the binary to do XOR operations, but what if they are all strings? ...
recently the company has been using Renren Mall for the second opening. but there is a problem, that is, a problem. the API request address of Mini Program in Renren Mall. I can t find for example: the API in Mini Program as shown in the pictur...
printed headers have been processed cannot export smoothly in the format $sql = "select row_number() over (order by id desc ) as rownum ,[companyname],isnull(dbo.get_IdToValue(unitprop), ) as [unitprop], isnull(dbo.get_IdToValue(unitspe...
I tried http: www.thinkphp.cn topic ... The actual visit reported 404 . nginx 1.10.3 php-fpm php7.1 Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU Linux 4.4.0-117-generic x86room64) this is the environment. here is the relevant configuration of php-fpm in my apache ...
Laravel environment nginx is configured with Https access. Except the first page can be accessed normally, all routes are 404. After checking a lot of information, we can t find the reason. If you switch to http access, all visits are normal. Please ta...
1. The default implementation function spl_autoload () of autoload cannot be activated when the spl_autoload_register function is not called. How does the automatic loading mechanism of PHP run if the user does not define the _ _ autoload () function? ...
problem description how to get apache2.2 to compile mod_rewrite.so separately and how to solve the problem if there is an error? the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried recompile mod_rewrite.so: look for the mod_rewrit...
problem description the encoding of the head header is inconsistent with that of the body message, and the curl request causes the received message to be incomplete the environmental background in which the problem occurs For example, in a docking ...
< H1 > PHP 7.3 cannot install Xdebug < H1 > < H2 > Environment of PHP < H2 > XAMPP comes with PHP: Zend Extension Build API320180731,TS,VC15 PHP Extension Build API20180731,TS,VC15 < H2 > use built-in xdebug to detect < H2 > download xdebug ...
using docker to deploy Lnmp+redis,phalcon framework has been going on for several days, one question after another. the problem now is that the phpinfo opens normally, the html page is normal, the php test script can be run, and the phalcon module is l...
if you want to get APP data, can you grab APP data in some ways? ...
background: Ali CVM, multiple instances of mysql built on a single host question: when tampering with master-slave replication, it is found that the log-bin file and position will change with the restart of the master library. Can only manually update...
if the project is separated and the front end can only use ajax to call the back-end interface to obtain data, how does the back-end determine the source of the request? 1. Through something like token: 1.1tokentoken(token) 1.2token + (HTTP_REFERER ....
I created a in web.php. Route::get ( ad crate , aaa@aaa ); routing. and in the controller, point to a blade template. It was normal at first, but somehow, all of a sudden, the route was bound to another blade template. it is useless for m...
the problem I face now is I have a datasheet that is almost 1 million. it s not a way to go on like this. how can I separate it out, but I can still use the data from the datasheet? because suppose I export it to the drop table I can t use it ...
now that I have learned tp, I want to learn another framework. Which one is better? ...
pywin32 operation Excel environment problem 1, whether associated with machine environment 2, whether associated with office ...
Nginx rewrite is currently a secondary directory (including all the following) http: www.abc.cn en . how to redirect to the root directory of another domain name: http: www.abc.com . ...
problem description Export the data of el-table to Excel,. At present, table has 500 rows of data, paged display, 10 lines per page, a total of 50 pages the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried I have tried two ...
without moving anything, I updated the data cache and template cache, and then set some filter words, and then I couldn t read some posts. It s useless for me to delete the filter words, but I can read them when I move to another section. I don t know...
problem description I have installed webpack-cli, globally when using webpack4, but when I check the webpack version number, I still see One CLI for webpack must be installed. These are recommended choices, deliveredas separate packages: webpack-c...