add a self-destruct program, set it to be activated after a certain time of visit, and then self-destruct for a number of periods of time. The file database is empty. How do you do that? ...
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php71 install composer :fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: * webtatic:
exception org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher$InvalidKeyOrParametersException: Key length not 128 192 256 bits. at org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.symmetric.util.BaseBlockCipher.engineInit(Unknown Source) at javax.c...
json_encode" n"" n" : n : n json_encode 320 JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES 64 + JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE 256 n ...
upload and display items of pictures album table album (field: album_id userid title...) picture table photo (field: photo_id albumid path...) A photo album contains multiple pictures more pictures are uploaded in one day. Consider horizontal sub...
member_id openID mp_id openID openID ** mp_id openID ** sql SELECT * FROM `score_log` WHERE `mp_id` = gh_1d3037ae656c AND `openid` = o5NHFsy-PUHxY7G_h_S8UscpKVg8 ...
Security Guest: https: the only thing I m sure of is WordPress, but I don t know what type of topic it is, which is very inconvenient to dig deeper ...
how to sort and output one-dimensional arrays by building a binary tree I have built a binary tree, but the result of solving the binary tree is not what I want. What I want is an ordered one-dimensional array: data $nodes = array(8,3,10,1,6,14,4,7...
the figure above shows the parameters for Wechat JSAPI pay to issue an order uniformly. when the amount is 1 point, you can pay successfully when the amount is other, all INVALID REQUEST is returned what is this? ...
the bindmessage of Mini Program documents can be passed, which can only be triggered when backing back, destroying components and sharing. I don t know if there is any other way to pass values ....
problem description my Jenkins was started with docker, and now I want to use it to execute composer install-- no-dev command to install dependencies. I found that there is no plug-in to install PHP (there is a plug-in called Phing, which is used to...
the picture above shows the scene of Wechat JSAPI payment Business process is place an order uniformly Page JSAPI WeixinJSBridge.invoke initiates payment I have a problem. I need to enter the amount and then issue the order uniformly. afte...
moving from thinkphp to laravel broadens a lot of ideas. I have to say that laravel is really a good product, especially in terms of php project code standards and specifications. but thinkphp also has some good features, such as verification scenarios...
tp5 one-to-many associations, the code logically queries the number of associations only once, but debugging shows that there are two database queries. is just Student- > klass- > all (), which makes an associative query, but actually queries the data...
if ( $row[ sale_type ] == pre && $row[ stock_type ] == or $row[ sale_type ] == && $row[ delivery_from ] != 0 or $row[ sale_type ] == && $row[ delivery_from ] == 0 && $row[ ...
<a href="http: .... index.php index index pay.html?it=" + $("-sharppaymoney").text()> above is an error code. I want to pass the value of label of id= "paymoney " as a parameter. how to write it correctly ...
below is the file of WeChat Pay SDK containing samples I am using TP5, how should I introduce and use them in my controller entanglement points: Namespaces are all used in TP5, and all nine files in this SDK are introduced with require_once . How...
first introduce the environment Linode ubuntu16.04,apapche,php7.3,mariadb current dilemma in my website folder, strictly speaking, there are three kinds of projects, one is e-commerce, one is blog, and the other is front-end and background . But now...
Why can mysql save time with varchar and still make time comparisons? What is the principle? Y-m-d H:i:s like this ...
I want to group statistical arrays, and then the condition is the time region, how to achieve [Error] A pipeline stage specification object must contain exactly one field. at line 1, column 1 db.getCollection("user_reg").aggregate([ ...
introduce public components such as.. lib abc.vue is it only available in the cli scaffolding development environment? how to introduce external components into the development mode of non-cli, direct < script src= "vue.js "? ...
there is no response from axios get or post, and there is no output from then or catch. Other browsers on the same phone are (UC), and Wechat debugging tools, PC browsers, local environment, and chrome simulation of Wechat are all fine. my phone is Xi...
now the development uses seajs, used by vue, and some API, of ES6 is used in the project code. Now there are some problems in online compilation: online compilation generated on the right, there will be some dependencies in it, I directly copy the ...
website is developed by mvc when opened, locate the current city based on the customer s IP address, and then switch to the content of the corresponding city (switch cookie) now the city is judged by ip in baseController, and then switch the ...
data has watchform this.form.cat_id=1_7eb3340579783ab51bf7e110f7a4f397this.formwatch this.$set(this.form, cat_id , 1_7eb3340579783ab51bf7e110f7a4f397 ),this.formwatch what I don t understand even more is to use this.form.xx=yy to modif...