as shown in the figure Email.php and Index.php are both namespaces namespace app index controller in the same directory. I wonder if I want to introduce this class file by using Email.php in Index.php. Why is it wrong for me to introduce u...
an element in an array is iterated with a specified number such as . cycle wifimac and wanmac by 4 ...
about facebook login! print out getPicture () in this format: {"height":50,"is_silhouette":false,"url":"https: platform profilepic ?asid=xxx&height=50&width=50&ext=...
when compiling and installing, I only use the following command to install, and then I want to change php.ini as in windows to open the extension . configure --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=www-data --with-fpm-group=www-data --enable-soap -...
how does the ThinkPHP5 front end hide the module name and controller name? As long as you access the method, but do not affect the background module, the domain name admin can be accessed. ...
long link to short link code: <?php function short_url($input = , $salt = ) { $base62 = array ( a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , l , m , n , o , p , q , r , s ,...
order order form field id order_no (order number) business_id (merchant ID) user_id (member ID) money (consumption amount) user membership table id name member name business merchant form id name merchant name cardinality: 200merchants A merchant ma...
because I am connected to facebook, I will need the following functions: $loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl( https: fb-sdk fb-callback.php , $permissions); echo <a class="user_signup_btn_facebook" href=" ....
there are a lot of errors in the log that Failed to read FastCGI header does not understand under what circumstances. On the surface of the website, there is no access exception ....
< H1 > Code < H1 > is to run a http server <?php $http = new swoole_http_server("", 9501); $http->on( request , function ($request, $response) { $response->end("<h1>Hello Swoole. -sharp".rand(1000, ...
login.php: require_once vendor autoload.php ; $fb = new Facebook Facebook([ app_id => xxx , app_secret => xxx , default_graph_version => v2.8 , ]); $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper(); ...
php source program dynamic link: http: abc http: abc
The directory structure is what it looks like in the picture. Email.php and Index.php are in the same directory and the namespace is namespace app index controller ; IndexEmailnew Indexuse app index Controller Email; ...
$rangeY = range(1950, 2015); $rangeM = range(1, 12); $rangeD = range(1, 31); <select class="profile_birthday_select" name="yy" id="yy"> <?foreach ($rangeY as $key) {?> ...
because every user will have one or more attribute structures like this: so if I do this <? foreach ($data->{ attributes } as $value) { echo $value; }?> can list every id now the problem is that this array has several different c...
the data is designed as follows: assume that the user information is stored below,> HMSET user:1 username age 11 status 1 OK> HMSET user:2 username age 12 status 0 OK> HMSET user:3 username age...
after logging in once, you can open app to operate the interface session without logging in once . what I imagine is implemented like this. I don t know whether it has much impact. After the first login is successful, the token is returned to the cli...
I have a base class, Base.php, that initializes the constructor. public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->authWen(); } The constructor calls a permission verification method. However, in addition to true...
introduce code into the nuxt page, because nuxt is not configured according to the official document, can you give me some advice ...
1.composer require "spatie laravel-backup: ^ 3.0.0 " prompt. composer.lock "is not UTF-8, could not parse as JSON, indicates that my composer.lock is not in utf8 format and cannot parse the json data in it. I encountered this problem the first time I...