I d like to ask a question suppose there are three websites on different servers , but all three sites have common files, which may include js, css, and some php function . How can I manage shared files at this time? if the shared file is updated, wil...
Android integrates Firebase SDK. In crash, the statistics are as follows: have you ever encountered this problem and solved it? ...
I have a problem now when a user clicks on a link and goes to the login window, I will add his previous address, such as , to the web address. https: ha.xyz.com signin?request=https: ha.xyz.com products 121111 and then log in to the noodle shop, whi...
API document http: open.mobile.qq.com api. Page reference < script src= " open.mobile.qq.com sdk qqapi.js " > < script > get Mobile QQ s version mqq.QQVersion can alert out normally call a scan to scan the QR code mqq.ui.scanQRcode ({...
the original WeexSdk version is 0.9. Recently, because many features are not supported in the lower version of Android, the SDk version of weex is updated, version = " ". After that, there are various so package problems in Bugly, especially-...
about facebook login! print out getPicture () in this format: {"height":50,"is_silhouette":false,"url":"https: lookaside.facebook.com platform profilepic ?asid=xxx&height=50&width=50&ext=...
login.php: require_once vendor autoload.php ; $fb = new Facebook Facebook([ app_id => xxx , app_secret => xxx , default_graph_version => v2.8 , ]); $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper(); ...
I want to realize this point at present facebook login, you can get the value successfully facebook automatic reply machine, when you reply, the machine will automatically send messages to your facebook messanger, for psychological testing share ...
I found some cases of sending SMS messages to verify SDK , such as Mob, aggregating data, etc. how do they send text messages to phones we need to verify? Is it because of working with a company like Mobile Telecom? ...
back-end developers, who are not very familiar with the front end, now expect to be able to extract a Modal box for reuse. because a Modal is very generic and will appear on many pages, now you want to extract it into a separate js, and introduce it w...
topic description do I want to know whether the order of template,script,style affects the loading speed or something? sources of topics and their own ideas in the actual programming, I found that style and template are very close, if you follow: ...
< el-menu: default-active= "agentsDefaultIndex " > <el-menu-item class="staff-item" v-for="(s,index) in staffs" :index=index> <div class="staff-pic">WT< div> <div slot=&quo...
A website is someone else s system, B website is my own system, A website has a link to visit B site, want to click on the link to access B site, copy or manual input can not access B site. After doing it for two days, I don t know how to realize it. I...
from June 16 to early 18, he worked as a front end in a start-up company in Tianjin. If you want to change to Beijing, go home naked. Then he came out to Beijing to look for a front-end job a few years later. So far, I have interviewed six, and four of t...