C3-A7-C5-93-C5-B8-C3-A4-C2-BA-C2-BA-C3-A5-C2-A8-C2-B1-C3-A4-C2-B9-C2-90-C3-A5-C5-B8-C5-BD-C3-A6-C5-BD-E2-80-99-C3-A8-C2-A1-C5-92-C3-A6-C2-A6-C5-93 the decimal system is as follows 195,167,197,147,197,184, 195,164,194,186,194,186, 195,165,194,168,19...
the database currently has 1 million data (it has been running for about half a month) the following sentence takes 6 seconds to run (1 million results for where alone), and both user_id and time are indexed ...
function myfunction ($v) { return ($vested roomv); } $a=array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) * the following direct calls to do array multiplication are prohibited but there is no error through the array_map call * print_r (myfunction ($a); * ...
I use native php5.6 to write blog want to click on the column, appear under this column of the article, but how to appear all the articles. sources of topics and their own ideas mysqli took out all the columns but couldn t use them. related code...
problem description Native php used in the previous native backend makes it no problem to deploy vue dist. try to use tp5 today. After building it, deploy dist and report the following error: js app.a0645937.js net::ERR_ABORTED js chunk-vendors.ee...
both the home page and background of the website can be accessed with https. The whole site can also be accessed with https when the fixed link is set to simple mode. When wordpress fixed link is set to other forms, there will be a 404 error when accessi...
ip 2018-4-6 function getonlineip(){ if($_SERVER[ HTTP_CLIENT_IP ]) { $onlineip=$_SERVER[ HTTP_CLIENT_IP ]; IP } else if($_SERVER[ HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ]) { $onlineip=$_SERVER[ HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ]; IP ...
use php to do the webhook of github, as follows: $cmd = "eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-add && cd $target && git pull 2>&1"; $res = shell_exec($cmd); ssh key (no password) has been added, no error r...
(SELECT 4921 FROM (SELECT COUNT (), CONCAT (0x71626a6b71, (SELECT (ELT (4921 (4921) 4921), 0x71626a7671 (RAND (0) 2) x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x) a) test) AND 4337 = (SELECT UPPER (XMLType (CHR (60) | | CHR (58) | | CHR (98) | | CHR ...
topic description traversing the array with foreach and using the & reference assignment, I can t understand why the last value of the array element is preceded by a & related codes Please paste the code text below (please do not replace the ...
<img srcset="https: media.youqueen.com 2016 12 Cute-couple-hugging-at-home-and-trusting-each-other.jpg 585w, https: media.youqueen.com 2016 12 Cute-couple-hugging-at-home-and-trusting-each-other-300x200.jpg 300w, https: media.youqueen.com 2016...
topic description how does exercism get the answer, know the question type, but don t know how to get the answer? https: exercism.io my tracks related codes what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen? I hope the b...
I would like to ask, for example, when to make a highly concurrent flash sale activity if redis cache is used to insert the database for example, when will the corresponding prizes be saved in the database when the activity is in progress? ...
the background is php. Use openssl to encrypt it with aes . The encryption result is consistent with the result of http: tool.chacuo.net cryptaes. The problem with now is that the front end uses CryptoJS no matter what. Either the data encrypte...
is registering a domain name, less than .com can only be registered .cn I wonder if there are any restrictions or effects on the use of .cn domain names in the future ...
problem description request the interface of java. One of the parameters is multiple files, but no matter how I request it, the return value is empty. Have you ever solved any related problems? the environmental background of the problems and what m...
our company s current project is based on Laravel. Currently, git does not catch up with the vendor directory. Each update server will pull composer install s new dependencies on the server. now, in addition to the web side, we will add the app side...
Ctrip target URL: https: piao.ctrip.com ticket... wants to get the scenic spot picture on the ticket page URL you can only get the first scenic spot picture by directly viewing the source code . take a look at it for yourself. It should be to reques...
when using the EasyWeChat interface, the development platform reports an error with the authorization of the public account, and thinkphp reports Credential "component_verify_ticket " does not exist in cache. ...
problem description I just want to simply use php to implement non-blocking tasks https: github.com reactphp what I want to implement is that there are some tasks in function,function in do. After careful consideration, it should not be possible ...
recent interviews have been asked about the new features of HTML5 and its use in the project. I feel that the interviewer is not satisfied with my answer. how should I answer this kind of question? what answer does the interviewer expect? what aspects...
how to store a catalog like this? I want to have a book table (book table, book title, introduction, cover, etc.) articleOne association table (book and article id association table, book id, first-level article catalogue id) art...
the example on the official website does not say where the size of the uploaded image can be modified ...
vue above, I will report an error when I use 2.9.3 if you change it to yarn, you will still get an error . I still haven t done it all day. I don t know if it s a computer problem or a webpack problem ...
question: after downloading the project in the way of Alibaba iconfont, introduce the iconfont.css file (other font files are in the same folder). Neither unicode nor font class can be displayed in the project, but other browsers display normally. Is it ...