is there a list of tutorials for logging in to if you want to use php to log in to facebook? I still don t understand the official one, Huan Huigen! Please thank me ...
want to check I have a problem with MYSQL now I have installed XAMPP so my localhost already has a phpmyadmin , but I also have mysql and phpmyadmin installed on my other host (linode), so this is another MYSQL want to check if I want localhost to ...
done:function (value) { alert(value); } this can pop up the selected date. I need to save this value to the database. How can I get this value? has not used the plug-in. Please help me explain how I should proceed to the next step. Code ...
$coinbasePublicAPI = https: ;$coinData = file_get_contents ($coinbasePublicAPI); var_dump ($coinData); Why is the result NULL empty ) original: https: que. is it that the person who asked the questio...
want to configure the agent for the front-end static file. Redirect the static files of the node server to Apache. The configuration is as follows: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*( .css| .js| .gif| .png| .jpg| .jpeg)$ RewriteCond home work plat p...
my web page needs to load a 3.3Mb library resource with the suffix .sf2 because I want to play music. when you enter the page, the chrome debugging tool shows that it takes 20s to load this resource, and I think the speed is more than 100kb s. I am us...
size has 1 parameter number of holes and distance between holes have 3 parameters J value has 2 parameters et value has 1 parameter center hole has 2 parameters there are 12 possible combinations. Thank you. ...
if (!Auth::attempt([ email => $data[ email ], password => $data[ password ]], true)) { return response()->json([ code => 201, data => null, msg => ]); } Cache::put(Auth::user()[ user_id ],...
(the mobile version can t upload the picture, go back to make it up tonight) General uid. If the figure above is a string of fixed-length numbers, how is it generated? When storing uid in a database, doesn t it usually start at 1 and then grow itsel...
when I query a piece of data, I cannot query the data after using parameter binding: the following is the sql to be queried $sql = SELECT `id` FROM `ct_collection` where `issue`=:issue LIMIT 1 ; Parameter binding is: 050 SQL: [90] SELECT `id`...
object code if ($this->config->report->dailyreminder->bug) $bugs = $this->report->getUserBugs(); if ($this->config->report->dailyreminder->task) $tasks = $this->report->getUserTasks(); if ($this->config->report...
the template configuration file for a normal thinkphp is view_path = > template , recently discovered a content management system developed in thinkphp whose template configuration file path format is app home template . the effect of au...
We know that in nginx.conf, you need to configure fastCGI,php. You need to install the php-fpm extension and start the php-fpm daemon before nginx can parse the php script. Let s get to the point: 1. In Nginx, is it necessary to configure php-fpm to...
redis orderly collections add elements in batches. The zadd method can add multiple elements, and the pipeline pipeline can also implement batch operations. If there are 5, 000 pieces of data to add, which method should be used? can zadd be used to add m...
pasted this file in 3w of WAMPSERVER, and there is an unknown error after opening it PHP PHP environment ...
encountered a problem when typing emoji on the phone (unable to store it in the database). the reason for the utf8mb4 of the database when it is found after searching for the problem (because emoji is 4 bytes, while utf-8 s database is 3 bytes). the...
A web page opened on an iPhone (no matter what browser) does not support the default selection of the select tag, such as < select > <option value="1">< option> <option value="2" selected>< option> <optio...
need to transfer userid to openid reference documentation: http: api. enter http: api. into the browser to get openid, so ask this address in the project not to request the address in that silly document, and...
how to execute php files automatically in Linux environment? ...
brew search mongo = = > Searching local taps. mongodb@3.4 mongo-cxx-driver mongodb mongodb@3.2 percona-server-mongodb mongo-c-driver mongo-orchestration mongodb@3.0 mongoose = > Searching taps on GitHub. = > Searching blacklisted, Migrated and dele...