function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch ($errno) { case E_USER_WARNING: $errno = "USER_WARNING"; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $errno = "USER_NOTICE"; break; case E_NOTICE: $errno = &quo...
there is an old laravel project with the user s password field. Now the data of this project needs to be migrated to other languages (go). but the password field cannot reverse hash out of the original value, . how should I handle this situa...
my mysql database has two pieces of data when I print_r, it looks like this: [{"errno":"1","errstr":"2","errfile":"3","errline":"4"},{"errno":"12",...
Why does the card not move when it is stuck in composer create-project laravel laravel-- prefer-dist my_laravel, and does not report an error source has been changed to a domestic source, and you can also surf the Internet ...
function Test(){ this.func1=function(){ console.log("func1") } this.func2=function(){ console.log("func2") } this.func3=function(){ console.log("func3") } this.all=function...
some errors are Undefined index: password The category is like this . I have added @ not to report , but it will still be available on set_error_handler. can you skip the @? ...
is it better to put the transaction in the controller, or in the model, or is there another solution when using TP5 when you need a transaction? If you put it in a model, and multiple models are involved in the process, and the process requires a transac...
after phpstorm presses the cmd+ comment, it automatically jumps to the next line. I don t want to jump. How should I set it Thank you also, I set up to add a space before the comment, but this only applies to me to write the comment first, and then...
on the same server ( Linux ), there is a http service built by PHP and a WS ( websocket ) service based on Workerman . How can the http service process actively send messages to this WS service process? PS: PHP version 5.5.37 workerman...
I just learned to use xdebug, and I found it powerful but difficult to control. take a look at my configuration: [xdebug] xdebug.remote_host= xdebug.remote_enable=On xdebug.remote_port=9001 xdebug.remote_handler=&...
{{first.DATA}} n :{{keyword1.DATA}} n :{{keyword2.DATA}} n :{{keyword3.DATA}} n :{{keyword4.DATA}} n {{remark.DATA}} n $arr=array(); $arr[ first ]=""; $arr[ keyword1 ]=""; $arr[ keyword2 ]=""; $arr[ keyword3...
there is an access to the php file under the server folder, but the ip nginx shows that no static html file can be accessed. Google Baidu modified php-fpm and folder permissions is still wrong. I have no problem building the same configuration under the...
how to classify and manage logs under the framework of CI? do you want to split the log into different files for different businesses? does the CI framework support it? now they all use the default log_message . Thank you. ...
the CCS swarm of Aliyun is used for service discovery. A single host with 4 cores of 16GB memory use alpine to write a php runtime environment for apache. The (dockerfile), program is based on the laravel framework . I wonder if the performance of fl...
$res = DB::connection( mysql_business )->table( t_activity ) ->select( SELECT app_id,title ,created_at,id FROM t_activity WHERE created_at > ? ORDER BY created_at DESC , [ 2018-04-01 20:11:12 ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>< title> <body> <a href="fr.php?action=123">123< a> < body> <?php class abc{ f...
The PHP7 upgrade manual mentions that "when foreach traverses through values, the value of the operation is a copy of the array. When traversing the array by default, foreach actually operates on the iterative copy of the array, not the array itself. T...
this table has more than 400,000 data that is not indexed uname datetime The same is true of and composite indexes. I don t know how to ask all of you for beginners ...
has not done live broadcast function, I am a phper scum, I would like to ask the great gods of sf! ...
whether the execution of wx.relaunch by Mini Program will trigger the onLaunch function in app.js again. ...
the time code I am using is as follows: <template> <div class="image-cropper"> <el-button @click="visible=true">< el-button> <my-upload v-model="visible" :url=" http: ...
Native node.js captures the data stream of the picture. If you get the data, can the picture be saved? look at the data object and do Filter, but still can t get the data the related code is as follows https: q 10. ask for adv...
using elasticsearch as a full-text search engine, we now encounter a problem. The index data comes from the commodity table good, assumes that the search keyword "tractor " can find 100 items of data, belonging to five enterprises, each of which upload...
has just configured the JDK environment variable according to Baidu s https: art. then the react-native command becomes invalid solve ...
failed to install php72-mongodb with brew under macOS checked the data and said that homebrew php has been abandoned and merged into homebrew core but failed to install using brew install php72-mongodb directly and could not find https: github.c...