WeChat Pay, send out ordinary red packets. One parameter is IP address could you tell me if this address is the address of my server? I wrote, and it was sent successfully what is the meaning of this parameter Ip address client_ip is the ...
how does PHP return both an array after array_combine and a string data in a method? ...
<volist name="list" id="v" key="k"> <div class="shdz_list"> <div class="shdz_top"> {$v.name} <span>{$v....
how to use mysql to get data as a percentage, for example, in a table, type=1 randomly takes 40% type=2, 30% type=3, 20% type=3, the rest 10% language is thinkphp, how to write sql ...
the backend wants to simplify the API interface and remove unwanted fields is there any tool at the front end that can automatically determine which fields have been used? ...
as mentioned, I found that the command du -h The file size obtained by differs greatly from the actual file size, as shown in the following figure (the distribution version of linux is centos7) screenshot 2019-01-20 afternoon 3.03.22.png test1 fi...
1. Use GDB to debug php code and report an error here is the error message does anyone know how to solve it Reading symbols from usr bin php...Reading symbols from usr bin php...(no debugging symbols found)...done. (no debugging symbols found)...
getting it through php code will always be serialized> ZRANGE key 0 -1 WITHSCORES 1) "i:1;" 2) "1" 3) "s:6: "google ";" 4) "1" 5) "i:4;" 6) "2" 7) "s:4: &q...
I use GUZZLE to create a httpclient simulation to request my own phpweb project, and confirm that the web project has session_start (). After the simulated login request is successful, there is Set-Cookie in the response-header. When I use the PHPSESS...
put aside the interface that gets the list of users, and other ways to get openid interactively 1. The user sends a message to the official account, which can get openid 2. . is there any other interactive way to get the current user s openid? e...
A rookie problem, which is a controller of ThinkPHP, calls other methods to print $this- > accounts is [], whether to render index or not, the life cycle of this controller instance is over. When routing access to other methods, the instance will be cr...
Why when PHP calls the Python script, it is possible for the script to execute some simple output for example: p.py print(123); : from os import startfile -sharp path = D: Wildlife.wmv startfile(path) : p=os.popen( rv D: a.AVI ); RV CM...
if you use ThinkPHP as a project, you can t understand the meaning of Session scope. Why do you set this to work on the server? isn t session invoked on the server? https: www.kancloud.cn manua... ...
$arr=[ id =>[ 1, 2 ], temp =>[ x , y ], user =>[ b , f ] ]; up...
json data is as follows how to print out iamges pictures in posts in json using for loop or foreach someone wrote me a paragraph, but how to print it out in a loop $result = json_decode(json); $result $imageUrl = $result[ post ][0][ image...
B cannot access the database in A. I want B to use A s database, how to solve ...
problem description the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error message act...
it seems that the document is not loaded. how do you deal with such a problem? [Exception] Document with ID 8291f24461d0e759b6440677585a7ce7 isn t loaded. Use phpQuery::newDocument ($html) or phpQuery::newDocumentFile ($file) first. execute ...
our company s current project is based on Laravel. Currently, git does not catch up with the vendor directory. Each update server will pull composer install s new dependencies on the server. now, in addition to the web side, we will add the app side...
blade template is as follows app.js Can t be introduced locally? the Great God asks for advice . ...