ioutil.ReadFile (absPath) if the file is an encrypted zip file, I cannot read the complete data because I want to upload the data to oss if the zip file is not encrypted, you can read the file directly with ioutil.readfile, but for encrypted files, yo...
could you tell me how to rewrite the following configuration code into a version of Apache or a .htaccess file? can only write Nginx, Apache can t. location data coa { if ( $cookie_user_id !~ " d" ) { rewrite ^ data co...
problem description how to unpack the packets obtained when listening to tcp ports using workerman? the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried packet: 456e642d4465766963653a1020181027090701000101001300140013000000...
below I give two classes a (assuming a contains a lot of functions) and b (just calling); a code namespace demo; class a{ public function index(){ return index ; } public function demo(){ return demo ; ...
question: our company s website will be divided into Chinese version and overseas version enter different domain names by default according to different ip cn: China ip (Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) en: n...
both servers have business logic processing code: Event.php, the content is the same, but cannot sendToALL to all clients connected to the two servers, which can only be sent to their respective clients A server is deployed normally. B server does no...
In the chat room made by gatewayworker, multiple machines are distributed. For example, the two machines are monitored by machine a, and the registered address of machine b points to machine A. all programs are started and executed normally, but the inf...
problem description Nginx configuration failed NginxPHP7Thinkphp5 I hope the final request is as follows: 3.0.0 ucenter profile-> V300 ucenter profile 3.0.1 ucenter profile-> api.Jhou...
the following is the controller of the API interface I wrote: <?php namespace App Http Controllers Lucky; use Illuminate Http Request; use App Http Controllers BaseController as BaseController; use App Models Card; use App Http Transfo...
public static function create($title, $content, $label_ids){ self::$db->action(function($db){ $db->insert( articles , [ title => $title, content => $content, created_at => self...
I came across this question in an interview with a php development engineer, which was the last one in the written exam there is a service platform. Users need to charge a service fee for providing services, but there is a ladder relationship between...
problem description the system wants to limit the number of posts posted by newly registered users or prevent malicious comments the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried generally speaking, browsing comments are...
problem description execute php artisan error? the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried laravel framework, installed Dingo plug-ins related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code...
I d like to ask you PHP how do friends who use queues monitor queues? Is there any good software for monitoring queues? although I know Laravel Horizon , this seems to be able to check without logging in....
Hello, I checked Qiniu s php SDK to download Qiniu s vendor package directly, but could not download it with Xunlei. The download has been 0 and has been blocked-sharp-sharp-sharp problem description the environmental background of the problems and ...
problem description suppose there are two systems, AGramb, and a sso service, which are developed separately from the front end. The front end accesses the interface through the gateway. Here I use spring cloud gateway. My idea is that all interface r...
https: a 11... according to this tutorial, I have all worked out, and I have got token for my login { "token": "bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbHZtYW4uY24vYXBpL2F1dGgvbG9naW4iLCJpYXQi...
there is a question. If you add Sphinx search to a PHP program, such as a website made by laravel, do you use SphinxQL or SphinxAPI? Applications can access Sphinx search daemon (searchd) using any of the three different access methods: a) via Sphinx o...
php start.php start Workerman[start.php] start in DEBUG mode ----------------------------------------------- WORKERMAN ------------------------------------------------ Workerman version:3.5.15 PHP --...
it is very clear in the document: Note: Please note that the parameter passed in call_user_func () cannot be passed to the reference however, PHP7.0 the following example comes alive Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 10 [2] => 100 ...
the animation library Animate is used in the project. The problem now is that the routing jump is completed instantly, so the speed of the animation will be very fast when the route is redirected, and the global animation time will not work. I would like...
when I am looping DOM, how do I add a looped value to the href in the a tag, and then click on the a tag, and the past value of the page jump transfer is also different? I ve tried using the $( ".bl "). Attr ( "href ", xxxxx) method, but the href of ea...
problem description because the horizontal center of flex is used, but the picture in my grandson element cannot be centered horizontally the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried margin,pannding and so on are mo...
just come into contact with real-time communication, I know that using websocket is more efficient, but I want to know the implementation process of polling, step by step the timer setInterval for short polling has been implemented, but when the backg...
Picture description I want to know why the item, can t be passed, that is, the item that the parent component gets in the loop, why can t it be passed to the child component? ...