Thinkphp5 defines the route as a post , and how to customize the error when using get request if a post route is defined in application route.php in thinkphp5, as follows, how to customize the wrong content and return the wrong json when we req...
is the nginx service built with cenots7 downloading the .php file? Baidu for a long time, the above answer is useless, various attempts are still the same download status, how to solve this specific problem? ...
HTML <? while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($permission_data)){?> <tr> <td class="manager"><?=$row[ name ];?>< td> <td class="manager"> <i...
this is the forecast for film sales $( input[type=file] ).change(function() { var input = $(this); if(!!this.files && !!this.files[0]) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { $( -sharppre + input...
Why objects outside the class can access static methods, but not static variables class Test { public static $num = 100; public static function abc() { echo ; } } $t = new Test(); $t->abc(); notice echo $t->num; Th...
for example, a string [1] 2132234 [4], the rule can match one, two, three , but if this string of characters is more complicated, such as [one] 111 [two] 111, it cannot accurately match the one, two, three that one needs....
problem description check the Packagist package management repository to see that the latest version is 1.12 . 1.11.1 1.11.1 does anyone know what this is all about? TKS! ...
1. Hope result: [ { "created_at": "Wed Jun 01 00:50:25 +0800 2011", "id": 12438492184, "name": "love your work.......", "user": { "id"...
php mvc many view need to be separated from the head and the bottom, these heads and the bottom may be the same, may not be the same, how to achieve? I m writing my own framework, and I see that other mature frameworks are too complex. So, big brothe...
now when you access a routing address that does not exist, an error page appears showing "the current access route is not defined ". how to set up a routing address that does not exist to return a specified content, such as returning a JSON, or jumpi...
lazyload loads lazily, how to support the new content obtained by ajax? the problem now is: 1, the old content has been $( "img.lazy "). Lazyload ({effect: "fadeIn "}); has passed 2, and the content before ajax acquisition has also increased $( "im...
problem description Model 1: order model, which contains all the details of each order, order number, shopping cart number. Model 2: shopping cart data model, which contains all the information about each shopping cart, the settlement amount of the s...
linux version is centos7, firewall is enabled, port 80 is also enabled. Services enabled by firewall are ssh, dhcpv6-client, ftp, http you can also ping linux IP, locally, but why does the browser still prompt access denied when you enter Linux IP? i...
<?php $redata = array( 0=>[ id =>1, name => , age =>22, hobby => ], 1=>[ id =>1, name => , age =>22, hobby => ], 2=>[ id =>2, name => , age =>20, hobby ...
how do shopping stations and video stations guess your favorite functions? ...
1) A stream is small in size, and frogs can jump from the left bank to the right bank. There is a stone pillar L on the left bank, and the stone pillar L area can only accommodate one frog. Similarly, there is also a stone pillar R on the right bank, an...
$amount = 100; 110 br 90200 $arr = [98100100120150160183]; as above: the variable $amount is compared with $arr. If the variable is in the array, it returns the subscript value in the array; if the variable is not in the array, first detect whet...
recently using vagrant as the development environment, I found that I don t quite understand box files. when adding Vagrant images, I use the following command: vagrant box add ubuntu vagrant init ubuntu vagrant up vagrant ssh throug...
Hi friends, this question has been fruitless for several days: A PHP container is running in the Docker on my Mac, using the official php:5.6-fpm image. The IP address is . there is another server that provides the interface. In the intran...
how laravel uses event to listen for redis operations you can listen for predis setbit getbit events like model monitoring hope to provide pseudo code or data link ...