recently, after writing a PLC communication protocol, I sent it a command to read 1 byte after the address 0x0000 (the address 0x0000 exists in PLC, and sent successfully, and the data sent is correct), it should send me 12 bytes (including ACK, site nu...
it seems that many articles treat unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and functional testing as UI testing through headless browsers. so I want to make it clear, what is the difference between the tests? what is the purpose of t...
the official document says: "in order to facilitate developers of third-party platforms to introduce extAppid development and debugging work, it is necessary to introduce the concept of ext.json. Ext.json is a configuration file that is placed in the r...
I encountered an import cv2 boot package error when I was running python on vscode. The screenshot of the error is as follows: : Anacondapython3.dll() also sees a solution to many other similar problems: pip install opencv-contrib-python , but n...
<el-date-picker style="width: 50%;" v-model="nowTime" :editable="false" type="month" :clearable="false" size="mini" @change = "changeDate" placeholder=&...
the project has not been used before to use kafka,. To integrate it into spring, it is found that these packages are basically mentioned after searching on the Internet. What puzzles spring-integration-kafka, spring-kafka, kafka-clients, is that the conf...