A HMI connects four PLC with the same parameters (19200, N, 8, 2) through COM2 port RTU485. Because it is one-to-many, I use for loop to traverse four PLC to read variables. You only need to set the station number. by monitoring a second variable insi...
client initiates tcp connection con1:Aip: Aport- > Bip:Bport, does not have a problem, do not close the connection, initiate tcp connection con2:Aip:Aport- > Cip:Bport, will address already in use, according to the quad, the two connections are not the ...
problem description the iis7.5 80 port that the server is running is unmodifiable apache2.4 8080 port runs other services now it has done iis redirection to www.b.com--> www.b.com:8080 now access always has 8080 port number apache how to hide the ...
The default port of the page that pops up after 1, npm install-g create-react-app 2, create-react-app my-app 3, cd my-app 4, npm start is 3000. How to modify the default port? The server is not under the premise of this port number. Added: to packa...
give an example, the local client accesses the remote mysql server 3306 port. requires access to remote port 3306. my question is: does the network of the local client need to apply? Local access to remote port 3306, which port is used by the local...
run the netty application in the docker container java-jar * .jar, but cannot find the set port number ...
newcomers ask for help. Now you use superagent on node to send a request to access several ports. You need to save the cookie obtained by the first request and let the later request continue to use. It just happens that there is a special agent () metho...
Table 1 add column matching Table 2 key _ word, if Table 1 add contains Table 2 key_word, write group, in Table 1 column 4, if not, mark "not included ". PS: I also measured with iteration, Cartesian product also tried, but did not achieve the desired ...
Why the picture from canvas.toDataURL () has no background, and the words on it are so shallow that they can hardly be seen. something like this. ...
this is my webpack configuration const path = require( path ) const CleanWebpackPlugin = require( clean-webpack-plugin ) const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require( html-webpack-plugin ) const pkg = require( .. package.json ) const webpack = require( w...