because the pre-rendering plug-in prerender-spa-plugin, which is labor-saving and easy to configure, is selected to optimize seo, the configuration is like this new PrerenderSpaPlugin({ staticDir: path.resolve(__dirname, .. dist ), ...
server { listen 80; server_name; access_log data wwwlogs youdomain.com_nginx.log combined; index index.html index.htm index.php index.jsp; root usr local apache-tomcat-7.0.82 webapps ROOT; location { try_files $uri @pr...
after prerender-spa-plugin@3.2.1 is installed and configured, build, will appear when there are more than 12 routes to be rendered. Unable to prerender all routes, will always be in building for production.. It doesn t stop. After studying for a long t...
how to do it in this component, or how to write it in vuex, put it in which part of mutations,getters,actions ...
vue-cli project version update, there is a strange phenomenon. Enter a link to a page directly in the browser and have been updated to the new version. At this time, if you click logo to get to the home page, and then go back to the previous link, the in...
the function that non-numeric characters cannot be entered in the input box of the weex project cannot be implemented the code is as follows: <template> <input class="login-phone" type="number" placeholder="" m...
I see Baidu says it doesn t seem to need routing, but how do I let vue know that I click on the last tab to activate the jump command? add: my requirement is that only the home page of the existing page needs to be rendered by nuxt server, that is, o...