histogram_plot <- function(varnames,binwidth,dataset){ graph <- ggplot(aes(x = varnames),data = dataset)+ geom_histogram(binwidth = binwidth) return(graph) } histgram_plot(viewsCount,50,timeline)+ xlim(c(0,8000)) Code as above, create a n...
topic description A BUG? of WITHIN function in R language sources of topics and their own ideas problems found when classifying with within function related codes doesn t seem to show the correct R code, so I have to map it. what result d...
topic description data source, the diamonds, preview of the ggplot2 package is as follows mean(diamonds[which(diamonds$cut== Ideal ),]$price) problem description 1, is there a more convenient way to calculate the mean value of the y-axis of a ba...
install.packages ( "REmap ") Warning message: package REmap is not available (for R version 3.4.0) has tried several versions but failed, what should I do? ...
data is a data box that I imported from excel. data [6 code 8] gets "Blood " tem="" tem=="" switch (tem, ="", "a" ) get TRUE , "Blood " Why are the two cases different? ...
r=read.xlsx ( "F: econometrics calculus data multiregressionp131.xlsx ", 1 min encoding = "UTF-8 ") correct drawing statement plot incorrect drawing statement plot (Xeror [ "expenditure "], yardr [ "disposableincome "]) Error in stripchart.def...
Data cannot be converted to "POSIXlt " category in R now there is a copy of data similar to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format stored in the second column of Data.csv < hr > DateTimes <- Data[2] >DateTimes 1 2017-01-01 00:00:00 2 2017-01-01 00:...
the code that completes the stem of the code in the book tm_map(myCorpus,stemCompletion,dictionary=myCorpusCopy) can t you use it now? did not report an error after execution, but the result of an error ...
V1 V2 0.52 0.813 0.75 0.925 1.24 . how to group V2 according to interval (statistical maximum to minimum, divided into n intervals), and count the average of all V1 values in each interval ...
Business: clustering members according to member RFM data. data: CSV,40MB, is greater than 100000 rows. problem: error using factoextra package hkmeans function: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 8143.6 Gb ...
as mentioned, I must simulate the integer attribute GARCH (INGARCH) model in the R environment without using the R packet (package). Unlike the original GARCH, this model is not a normal distribution (normal distribution) but a Poisson split (poisson di...
the code before splicing is like this: c.eval("capture.output(y, file = "mile.xml ")"); spliced code: c.eval("capture.output(y, file = ""+dataContent+".xml ")"); but this kind of stitching me...
copy the theme setting code in "R language practice " by hand. I don t know why I always report an error. The code is as follows: library(ggplot2) data(Salaries, package= car ) mytheme<-(plot.title=element_text(face= bold.italic ,size=14,colo...
use vue-cli, under Ubuntu to use vue init webpack (folder). This situation initializes the project without permission. If you want to sudo, it is equivalent to a project created by root. The owner is root, to enter the root password every time you modif...
compass create xxxx command the resulting project directory does not have "images " and "javascripts " folders, only "stylesheets ", "sass " and config.rb ...
recently, the download of a file is being written. Locally, the file to be downloaded is stored under the var tmp dpts test.pdf path on the local machine, and then the back end sends the path and file name to the front end, and the front end can dow...
Can be used like this <form action= -sharp method= post id= demo > <el-select v-model="selected" placeholder="" name= ui > <el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.va...
the company recently used nuxt framework for development, and now the redevelopment process has encountered cross-domain problems. In the past, vue projects only need to simply set up proxy to realize cross-domain requests to solve cross-domain problems ...