the requirement is that the AutoComplete component of Vue input abc will go to the background to take out all the existing abc (case-insensitive) and highlight highlightData: function (data, propShow, propOrigin, highlight) { data.forEach(ite...
for example, the server has been attacked recently. Check and find that there are many such requests. I am not good. Ask all kinds of gods to help write regular expressions to match . 11: index.php?s= Index x5Cthink x5Capp invokefunction&functio...
recently, regular matching is required for input: for example, input can only be 60G, 1T is preceded by a number, followed by a capacity unit; there is a 60G month; the front numerical unit of 50G half a year is also followed by this kind of control ...
five letter palindromes (words that are the same backwards as forwards) (kayak,dewed,eye,refer) I m a little confused about this question. I don t know how to write it ...
try to write down the calculator with JavaScript. Once the computational complexity comes up, such as the expression 1-(2 * (3-4) + 5 (6-7) + (- 8-9), it always enters an endless loop from all angles and consumes call stack resulting in an error. Is th...
The * symbol selects 0 or one or more given expressions, ? 0 or one symbol selected, *? This should be a non-greedy choice, with a single? Is there any difference? const tags = ^(area|base|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|menuitem|meta|param|so...
the data I get is like this this is xml data <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http: soap envelope " xmlns:soapenc="http: soap encoding " xmlns:xsd="http: 2001 XMLSchema&...
let str = " " " " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " " let obj = { text: , ...
var text = ` `; text.match( [ u4e00- u9fa5]+[ u4e00- u9fa5]+ g); ["", "", ""] the previous code matches some countries with horses in their names, but this only matches the "br " at the beginni...
has a string like this 000001 000002 I want to divide it into the form of stock symbol + company name by regular this is my regular re.split(" s+", string) but the segmented result is 000001 , 000002 , , ...
for example, extract all the seven digits at the beginning of 131 on this page without repeating <a href=" 1310280" title="1310280">1310280< a>< li><li><a href=" 1310281" title="1310281"...
for example, extract all the seven digits at the beginning of 131 on this page without repeating <a href=" 1310280" title="1310280">1310280< a>< li><li><a href=" 1310281" title="1310281"...
when collecting, there is a lot of a links in the crawled content! in which I want to get <ul class="list_box"> <li><a href="xxxx.html">xxxxx< a>< li> <li><a href="xxxx.html">xxxx...
var html = "111 222 333"; condition: use js regular to expect: an array [ 111 , 22 , 222, 33 ] ...
(Note: at least two strings are required, no more than 30 strings and at least two or more combinations are required, for example: A1 Magi AaMagi bA1 Magi A $) ...
ask that JS regular matching numbers can only be 8 digits or 11 digits, not 8 to 11 digits, either 8 digits or 11 digits. Nine or ten are not allowed. ...
the root of the problem lies in my carelessness, but there is something wrong with the port check I wrote. In the end, the numeric range check is used, which is very simple. Thank you for your comments for your good ideas. Thank you all for your good id...
RewriteRule ^products ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)$ review product.php?prod_id=$1&red_id=$2 I set this rewrite but I just found a problem: there must be prod_id and red_id to I red_id is selective, prod_id is necessary so what I want to do is: when I ...
now there is a requirement that the name should have the following rules A sequence of 4x32 characters starting with a letter, which cannot contain Chinese, but can be uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, dots . How should ...
^([a-z]+ .?)+[a-z0-9]+$ what is the meaning of this escape ...
class Demo extends Component { handleSubmit = () => { chart } componentDidMount() { var chart = new G2.Chart({ container: dashboardChange , forceFit: true, }); ...
1. At present, we are working on a page to calculate the inventory of the warehouse. The page is as follows: : idwarehouse_id product_idid that way, when a new warehouse address is added to the warehouse table, I don t need to change the code pa...
sql: select * from employees s where not exists (select 1 from dept_emp d where d.emp_no=s.emp_no) Inner table s: exterior d: explanation of exists on the Internet: exists is an external table as a loop loop, and each loop cycle queries the inner ...
encapsulates a table component , and the parameters have column header array , which defines the fields to be bound. The problem now is that I need to pass a filter to the table component, passing the filter name of the String type, but how to use t...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>vue< title> < head> <body> <div id="app"> <mparent :imgsrc="img" :title=&quo...