(r dudes) print ( ()) results do not meet expectations: 999 ...
var re = (^|$)username=([^&]*)(&|$) var str = ^ username=wang this string can be checked and passed. Ask the master to explain what it means ...
for index, row in train_set.iterrows (): S = str(row[ ]) M = re.finditer(match_target, S) part_index_list = [(m.start(), m.start() + len( - 1) for m in M] part_list = [ for m in M] After run, the part_index_list list has a norma...
ask a question about regular expressions. As shown in the following code, I use java to use regular expressions; public static void test(){ Pattern p=Pattern.compile("(?=.*?[-sharp?!@$%^&*-])"); Matcher m=p.matcher(&qu...
for example: abdsdsdfsdf1526614206112164350fskdfskdf1526614199681037404bcmvbcvbmcnvz: match 1526614206112164350 and 1526614199681037404 in the string, add quotation marks on both sides, and process it as follows: abdsdsdfsdf "1526614206112164350 " fskdf...
Code first: if( ( module (?:.+[^ .html])) .test(". src module comment details.html")){ console.log(RegExp.$1) module comment details } if( ( module (?:.+[^ .js])) .test(". src module comment details.js")){ console...
password requires 1, number 2, letter 3, number + letter ...
for example: the newly released Samsung Galaxy S9 features as follows: 1. The Exynos9810 processor is adopted, and the 2.RAM is 4GB. The battery capacity is 3000mAh. expect to extract the S9 Magi Exynos 9810 GB mAh. I hope you can give me some advice o...
use the custom verification rules in elementui s form to check the input numbers, but when you delete using the Backoff Delete key, the decimal point is deleted together. I don t know why, but regular expressions can currently meet the verification ...
find the underscore through the regular expression, return the previous content, and don t want anything else. ...
example: (999 < video > < video > ) I want to delete the p tag in parentheses (). ...
want to replace in Quan Lian good real estate Wang Yongping, director of commercial real estate research of the Chamber of Commerce, there are many commercial facilities and great pressure of competition, so it is necessary to use commerce as the en...
as shown in the figure above: in the first way, the $3.23 is identified as false , but in the second way, only one parameter g is removed and passed. According to principle, the first one should also be passed, please give us guidance! ...
the following regular expression can successfully configure key, (^ |) in url. Doesn t it mean start or empty? how can it match & what s wrong with it? regular ?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=0&rsv_idx=1&tn=baidu&wd=%E6%AD%A3%E5%88%99%E8%A1...
A HTML in a text box contains text and img tags for example <img src=".. .. static images express 4.gif" alt="[em_4]"><img src=".. .. static images express 4.gif" alt="[em_4]"> make Filter look like...
I want to match $${}$$ Content in str is complicated. As follows, I want to find out the contents of all the double $$curly braces and put them into an array. What should I do? [{"field_id":"DM0002","field":"$${ge...
the format of HH:MM; needs to be verified, such as: HH is hour, from 00-23th MM to minute, from 00-59; it can be repeated more than one time, ending with a semicolon; for example: 00:00; 23:59; 18:23;12:07; 01:12;12:22;20:00; help regular master, th...
< span data-original-name= < Duke University Blue Devil Men s Basketball team > Duke University Blue Devil Men s Basketball team < span data-original-name= "unknown " > unknown how to get the Duke University Blue Devil Men s Basketball team out...
*start* import aaa ; *end* let a={ b: c *start* d: e *end* } now you want to match all the content from * start* to * end* , and replace it with ", , that is, all that s left in the above code is: . let a={ b:...
Raw data: n2412 n : n2 ... : ...
1. When there are 2 cpu, there is only one process. Does the process own 2 cpu resources? 2. Threads are under processes. If there are two processes with n threads under one cpu, process, then in theory, multithreading in this case cannot take advantag...
suppose there is a scenario where has a list of books , but there are so many books that must be presented as paged on this page. in this case, you also need a search function to help users find books quickly. so the interface looks a bit like ...
f2 and f3 depend on the results of F1, f4 on the results of f2 and f3, and f6 on the results of f3 and f4 and f5? What is the most efficient way to write ? f1 f2 f3 f5 f4 ...
the company project intends to use electron to develop desktop applications, but the previous code was written in the environment of weex, and the supervisor asked to reuse the previous code into this electron development. However, electron does not synt...
an error was reported when running the test file, but there was no problem with project startup after checking the directory carefully, the path is fine E:GOPATHsrc in gopath path api.go:6:2: unknown import path "StreamingService api defs"...