Java enthusiasts ask a question related to Java serialization. We all know that the main purpose of object serialization is to transfer objects over the network and to persist object files, but why do I look at the source code of many projects and the ...
A model with a schedule, including: a.: b.: demand: if the start and end time of this schedule in the database is Aug. 23, 2018, then the database will automatically change the status of this data to expire at that time. I just wrote node. I don t...
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty import kotlinx.serialization.* import kotlinx.serialization.json.JSON.Companion.stringify class Delegate<T: Any>(val key: String, private val default: T) { operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty&l...
1.vue.js uses axios to send requests to the background. The passing parameters include an object, and a string. object to the background with javaBean, and String to the background with String. 2. The foreground code is as follows: data() { retu...
. Net server projects can centrally handle all inbound requests through events such as Application_BeginRequest in global.asax , which makes it easy to handle some common logic, such as authentication. Similarly, does the client have an orthodox chann...
as mentioned, it can be shared normally on IOS and on the computer. later, I found out that it was probably because I reported an error on Android, so I didn t share the copy, so I saved the country by using setTimeout to bypass that error, and then ...