problem description in order to access the campus network, I use Xshell to log in to a host on campus and set up a tunnel, but there are always certificate errors (the certificates of these sites become Facebook certificates) or empty replies when vis...
1. The code is as follows: the url of source in dom has changed, but the video has not changed, and it is still the original one. What is the reason for this <video controls preload="" > <source id="video" src="...
There is a problem with the splicing of the string. Press F12 and the following occurs var fpsxArray = JSON.parse(fpsxArrayStr); json var i; var html="<table >"; for(i=0;i<fpsxArray.length;iPP...
props: [ content , visible ], watch: { visible: { handler: function(val, oldval) { console.log( watch visible changed! ) if(val){ this.initDefault(this.content) } }, deep: true, im...
The original idea of was to use repace to replace keywords and then add < Text > to color both ends. But after discovering replace, < Text > is recognized as a string. what should be done to achieve the effect described in the title? _replaceSeachW...
recently read in js books that when defining variables that will be used to store objects, it is recommended to pay an initial value null, to indicate an empty object, which is not a big problem, but in practical business applications, it is often requi...