Sphinx2.x is upgraded to Sphinx3, and Sphinx3.1.1 is installed on Win7 for testing. The removed data in the delta incremental index cannot be removed from the full index main. It is completely possible in Sphinx2.x. Total 2 tables documents (id...) Sp...
several questions about source configuration. Assume that the configured source has the following sql_query = SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, title, content FROM documents 1) all non-full-text se...
Can the rt index of SphinxSearch be understood this way? hypothetical premise: A Weibo platform, posts are stored in Mysql, search using sphinx search. 1) under what circumstances will the rt index be used? can it be understood that when you publis...
there is a question. If you add Sphinx search to a PHP program, such as a website made by laravel, do you use SphinxQL or SphinxAPI? Applications can access Sphinx search daemon (searchd) using any of the three different access methods: a) via Sphinx o...
customer input official number can match Park No. 1 this building customer input Park No. 1 can also match Park No. 1 customer input Park No. 1 can also match this building excuse me how can I do this kind of search? I use the website built by php+mys...
I installed sphinx, on linux so I don t have to install sphinxsearch, what is the relationship between sphinx and sphinxsearch? seek the Great God ...
in terms of system memory usage ...
problem description you want to use sphinx s UpdateAttributes to do some immediate property update scenarios. after updating with this method, you need to wait for the time set by attr_flush_period before the index persists to disk before it takes e...
problem description when installing libsphinxclient, the dependency package of php s sphinx extension on Mac,. configure will report that the answer found on the: onfigure: error: CPP preprocessor " lib cpp " fails sanity check, is the same: yum ...
Linux creates an indexer that can be called directly, but cannot be called after creation, indicating that it does not exist. File location ~ sphinx-3.0.3 bin indexer Target Link usr local bin indexer execute Code: www:~ nginx$ ln -s sphinx...
the installation test is carried out on WIN7 for the first time using Sphinx,. The download on the official website is tested by default, and the result prompts the following: D: sphinx bin>indexer.exe --config .. etc sphinx.conf --all --rotate Sp...
contact sphinx for the first time to consult the document, but did not find the relevant answer. Come quickly to think about whether or not to find the answer. I hope that the great gods of sphinx who think no can give some ideas sphinx.conf sour...
angular is like spring, typescript is like java Why is it that js gave birth to this content, instead of java supporting the conversion to js, and then directly using frameworks such as java s spring? ...
var a = 2; (function IIFE(global){ var a =3 console.log(a) 3 console.log(global.a) 2 })(window); console.log(a); 2 let a = 2; (function IIFE(global){ var a =3 console.log(a) 3 console.log(global.a) undefine undefined ...
I m using the framework and I don t know how to get cookie ...
When encounters the same problem, the while True in the method called by the thread cannot jump out of the thread ending the while loop outside the while . def startsendfile(self,filelist,taskpath,filetypepath): for k in range(2): -sharp n...
when I click the chat button for the first time, one event is triggered, the second click triggers two events, and so on server code: socket.on( chat ,function(data){ io.sockets.emit( chat ,data); }); client code: $(document).of...