such as the title. Ask the boss to answer. ...
problem description writes a section to intercept methods that contain specified annotations. The runtime finds that if a subclass An inherits the abstract parent class B and implements the parent s abstract method, adding a specified comment to the...
use two annotations on one method, and use two different sections to deal with the values in the two annotations respectively. The join point method is as follows: @CacheFetch(cacheName = CacheManager.CACHE_DATASOURCE_INFO) @TenantAware(method = Operat...
the name of the Spring AOP interceptor notification is as follows: MethodBeforeAdviceInterceptor () AspectJAfterThrowingAdvice () AspectJAfterAdvice () AfterReturningAdviceInterceptor () I would like to ask you, why do some end in Interceptor and o...
I want to sort each person s type in descending order according to the sum of the sl of each person s sl. What should I do with ...
when setting OnTouchListener for a View, if a user releases the finger after the finger is pressed (not released), and then slides out of the View, the MotionEvent.ACTION_UP event of the view cannot be triggered. Is there any other way to listen for the ...
how does Entity Framework Core connect to the Oracle database? ...
the front-end vue calls the java API through axios, using springboot+jwt, to request with post. When there is a token, request in the headers, it will become options, and report 401. I looked for it on the Internet and said that it was a pre-check reque...
when a rookie at the front end is working on a small project <?php header("Content-type: text html;charset=utf-8"); 1 $conn=@mysql_connect("localhost","root","0123456zp"); if(!$conn){ mysql_error()my...