package.json fragment "bin": { "toggle": ". bin toggle.js" } directory structure bin toggle.js package.json sudo npm install xx-g under centos run error: No such file or directory < H2 > File heade...
using sudo gem install jekyll when installing jekyll has the following error : sudo gem install -n usr local bin jekyll is there any other way? ...
nano ~ .bashrc I use this to build Alias for example alias testserver= php Applications apache testserver.php which php file will be executed in this way , but suppose I want to give a reference to php? is assumed to be "testserver abc " so ...
suppose I am in the php copy abc.php shell_exec("git status"); do this I call abc.php on the remote phone but this will not print any code if you type this git status command normally, it will show: On branch master Your branch is u...
problem description when there are many pyspider projects, it is always stuck there and cannot run tasks automatically the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried it is not possible to add more than one processor f...
js enables the mouse to scroll into the scroll area; the scroll wheel can scroll ...
Why did the request lose the packet, and how to verify whether the packet was lost? ...
the application scenario is to pass a decimal color value in the background:-65536. You want the final conversion result to be FFFF0000 , but the conversion method of js is wrong. The problem is that-65536 = > FFFF0000 is a 2-byte conversion, but js is n...
input tag input " can be stored in the database, but the data input echoes and reports an error. How to solve this? < input type= " text "name= " bankCode "id= " bankCode "class= " form-control input-sm "placeholder= " Please fill in the bank co...