< H2 > question requirements: < H2 > set ACL, on the router to prevent other PC from accessing the academic Affairs Subnet. That is, vlan229 can access vlan129, while vlan129 forbids access to vlan229. ...
here is a description of the sentence: https: gss0.baidu.com 94o3dS. it says above that all ports of HUB and SWITCH are in a broadcast domain, and each port on the router forms its own broadcast domain. I can understand the description of HUB and r...
We are now going to integrate powebi into the portal, and then we want to avoid logging in to powerBI, in the portal. Please give us some ideas. ...
first, there is a field of Date type in the database. If you want to query all the records of 2018-04-08, but ignore the following time, minutes and seconds, how do you write the query statement and the mybatis mapping file? ...
1, when using the org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils tool class, I looked at the source code of equals and equalsIgnoreCase to see how to ignore case comparison, but found that the content of the comparison between the two methods is basically the sam...
how to click 111or 2222 to switch to the statistical tab this is the code <template> <el-tabs v-model="activeName2" type="card" @tab-click="handleClick"> <el-tab-pane label="" name="...
is it just one of the two, or is there a big god to buy a load balancer for aliyun and then implement springcloud, on it? ...