there is a real-time voice broadcast scenario where the server pushes messages to the client APP the self-built WebSocket service always fails to receive messages from customers then adopted the real-time communication engine of some third-party man...
now I have a problem if there are two mac all have xampp installed but I all set up a web site in A mac so I will in A MAC but I also want to edit the same web site in B MAC how to make efficient Synchronize? I think it can be moved to google dri...
I have a document with a content similar to the line 1 is: a-b-o the line 2 is: not found the line 3 is: not found the line 4 is: a-c-k the line 5 is: a-d-g a-h-o the line 6 is: a-g-i the line 7 is: not found this. I want to use python to get success...
what are the differences in implementation and functionality between RT, message queues and pipes (including anonymous pipes and FIFO)? ...
this is my Wechat authorized login website https: co. will jump to after login. 2523% 252f how to authorize login under the current page when forwarding the
how to achieve adaptive this? ...
satisfies both the beginning of api and the need to forward to aaa, api order to bbb. api : { target: http: , changeOrigin: true }, api order : { target: http: , changeOr...