first of all, my local computer has been installed with zssh, to send files to and from other servers. Now I want to install lrzsz, on a CVM I bought so that it is very convenient to transfer files. I run sudo apt-get install -y lrzsz has been install...
The server has been installed lrzsz . Now, if you want to upload a file to the server in ubuntu16.04, what kind of client do you need to install? Thank you ...
problem description werkzeug.routing.BuildError: Could not build url for endpoint main.edit_profile_admin with values [ id ]. Did you mean main.edit_profile instead? the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have t...
my project uses vuex and router, and then my store is written directly in main.js, as follows const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { urlex: http: supersolid images , issign: 0, icon: , name: }, mutation...
recently deployed web pages with docker, but I encountered a problem as follows: when normal deployment, that is, no docker is used, the configuration of the configuration file under nginx s site-enabled is as follows server { charset utf-8; ...
the project has not been used before to use kafka,. To integrate it into spring, it is found that these packages are basically mentioned after searching on the Internet. What puzzles spring-integration-kafka, spring-kafka, kafka-clients, is that the conf...
topic description how to add the same key values in a two-dimensional array sources of topics and their own ideas add up the sum of a hid with the same two-dimensional array do it yourself $array=[]; foreach ($arr as $k=>$v){ ...