want to achieve a function to upload a xlsx file and then parse it to an array, store it in the database, and then display it in table. It is best to have a demo instance. Thank you! ...
> db.lagou_cookie.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5c21f6ab65adddf40b330fb3"), "cookie" : "user_trace_token=20180909010719-4eb82332-59f2-4979-b7ba-4a96de35eb40; _ga=GA1.2.1153938840.1536426437; LGUID=20180909010720-a5755fe...
beginners of vue, do not want to use vue-cli and webpack, but the introduction of vue.js will report errors, and there are also dependencies in package. The compiler does not report errors, but the browser reports Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identi...
Dockerfile file: -sharpnode FROM node:8.9-alpine -sharp MAINTAINER test -sharpapp ADD . app -sharpappcd WORKDIR app -sharp RUN npm install -sharp EXPOSE 3000 -sharp CMD ["npm", "start"] after executing docker build-t dock...
add html, dynamically but include confirmation buttons that cannot use bound events ...
problem summary: novice programmers intend to write a simple project to display data in Ubuntu16.04,Python3.5,Django2.0, only one App, test is correct, and intend to deploy in NGINX+uWSGI. But there was a problem during the test. paste the code first ...