background client connection server receives data parsing data into storage server (port: 8090) = > client demand the server that wants to run the client application but cannot connect to it is wondering if it is possible to tcpdump the data fro...
Local tcpdump generated a file sudo tcpdump -i lo0 -nn -s0 -v src port 8090 -c 10 -w test.pcap ~ tcpdump -r test.pcap reading from PCAP-NG file test.pcap 12:44:49.420935 IP localhost.8090 > localhost.52238: Flags [P.], seq 1935661700:1935661714, ...
15:39:01.066209 IP client-ip > server-ip: Flags [S], seq 2676220664, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK,nop,wscale 13], length 0 15:39:01.066247 IP server-ip > client-ip: Flags [S.], seq 3077872679, ack 2676220665, win 29200, options [mss...
two machines Port 5555 of grabs packets (only sends traffic) tcpdump-I eth0-tt-nn-v port 5555-w test.pcap differentiate between client and server traffic tcpprep-p-- pcap=test.pcap--
want to test the packet capture performance of a platform based on docker. The resource allocated by docker is 128m of CPU, memory of 10% (4 cores). The virtual machine is the Linux system, 4 cores. use tcpdump in docker to grab packets. When viewed wit...
Errors: 9 http: docs rules indent 2 http: docs rules object-curly-spacing 1 http: docs rules space-before-blocks 1 http: docs rules prefer-const @ . src router index.js 10:0-37 @ . src main.js...
as the title recently, I am designing a deployment platform for web services. I wonder what everyone is doing. it feels that big companies have developed a set of web interfaces by themselves, so the bottom layer is not very clear. is generally de...
as shown in the figure, I used routing on-demand loading and generated a lot of .js files, but the app.js is still very large. It is even larger than non-demand loading app.js ... ...
mycat has a memory error during operation, crashes, and then automatically restarts; how to find the root cause of the problem? glibc detected java: double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f9338011b30 * JVM exited unexpectedly. JVM exited in res...
initial conditions 1. 2.() desired effect 3.php 4.html css repeat ...