problem description: workerman starts normally, and the client can send and receive messages normally, but memory overflow occurs after a long connection. has also encountered a problem before. After 8 hours of normal operation of workerman, an error ...
public function Question() { return $this->belongsTo( Question , QuestionId , QuestionId )->bind( Title ); } public function Questionoption() { return $this->belongsTo( Questionoption , AnswerId , OptionId )->bind( ...
there are three servers, one is a Nginx reverse proxy server, and it is also a static server, and two are web servers. Now, if you use a proxy server to visit a website, it is found that it takes longer to access a website than to visit a web server dir...
windows7 s environment built with wamp $key = $this->resetkey($key); $this->redis->hSet( g , d , t ); print_r($this->redis->hGetAll( g ));exit; if($field== * || $field== ){ return $thi...
there is a sql statement that you want to construct with the constructor of tp5, as follows Select * from tab1 where (axi1 and baked 1) or (a2 and baked 2) or (axi3 and baked 3) .or (aural N and baked N) Note: when N is equal to, there are as many o...
The framework uses tp5.1,workman using the composer package officially provided by tp. Would like to ask if the integration of hprose? the attempts made are as follows: Controller (acts as client) access to index did not get any return value, ...
foreach ($res as $k => $v) { $res[$k][ o_pay_types ] = $this->getPayType($res[$k][ o_pay_types ]); } when running this code, an error will be reported Indirect modification of overloaded element of think paginator driver...
A mall has a cache on its system interface, but it is impossible for app to reload data every time it changes pages. such as Banner diagram article list, the current practice is to add storage time to Banner data in nedb or localstorage ; det...
* excel table export @ param string $fileName file name @ param array $headArr header name @ param array $data data to be exported @ author static7 * function excelExport ($fileName = , $headArr = [], $data = []) { $fileName .= &quo...
there is $serv in the callback function of swoole, such as onOpen onMessage, but what if you want to push a message to the client somewhere else? used to use $serv- > push ($fd,$data); but how to solve this if serv doesn t exist anywhere else? ...
1, question when I was in the source code of tp5.1, when I saw registration errors and exception handling mechanism, I saw a piece of code in error.php that I didn t quite understand . public static function appError($errno, $errstr, $errfile = ,...
ThinkPHPlinux: : Why does this happen? you need a big god to answer the question of a rookie who has just learned tp5. Thank you! another thing is that sometimes, for example, the log on the 29th does not have this situation. Is it necessary to con...
in the IM system, is it pulled through ajax or obtained through websocket to get chat records, contact lists and message lists? or is it just real-time communication using websocket protocol in the session, and other scenarios directly use ajax;; I a...
Thinkphp5 defines the route as a post , and how to customize the error when using get request if a post route is defined in application route.php in thinkphp5, as follows, how to customize the wrong content and return the wrong json when we req...
Business requirements for making a real estate browsing history now the cookie, on the page has been invalid and cannot be overlaid. When printed out, the cookie is always empty. head Baidu said for a while, some said that the permissions were in...
1. Is the tp5.0 version, want to use functions similar to laravel middleware 2. After checking Baidu, tp seems to have a similar behavior, but does not quite understand 3. I have tried to use postposition behavior in routing, but if there are multiple ...
in the 3: 00 version of thinkphp, you only need to add-> sql () at the end to output the current sql statement to be executed, but how to output the sql statement in 5.1.18. Db::name ( tab_name )-> where ($where)-> count (); ...
problem description A set of interfaces developed by tp5 and a mall for multi-end use are intended to make interface version division. The situation is as follows: API code, PC side and WAP side should be placed under the same tp5 application, beca...
problem description as shown in the figure below, when thinkphp5 logs out, he always jumps to the interface that waits for 3 seconds. Is there any way to jump to the login interface without going through the waiting interface? the environmental bac...
->alias( b ) ->field([ (b.order_amount + b.store_amount) as total , b.create_time , b.order_id , b.pay_types ]) ->where("b.order_status = 2") ->union([ select pay_amount as total,create_tim...
check box for ztree: my code: var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.init($("-sharptreeDemo"), setting, zNodes); console.log(zNodes); treeObj.expandAll(true); which god will take a look at it for me ...
packages published on https:, with tag, typed and composer clear-cache executed to clean up the cache, have been submitted for a day and still cannot be installed through composer. is this a delay problem? how to solve this problem? is...
txt= "< div class= " question branchGroup0 questionPos1 "id= " questionId587271 "data-id= " 587271 "data-pos= " 1 "style= " outline: 1px solid blue; "> < style > .survey-video,. Video-player-iframe {min-height: 200px; border: none; max-width: 640p...
after running npm run dev or npm run build enter, the task manager opens and finds that there are several unrelated node processes (these processes have nothing to do with this startup command, but will jam the execution of npm run dev. If you close ...
use ParameterizedType in the class to get the generic class of the entity class of the class has the following code: public class Demo<T> { private Class<T> clazz; public T getDemo() throws InstantiationException, Illegal...