situation description: A Table: user s coupon Information Table, Field: id,ticket_id,status B Table: voucher Information Table, Field: id,ticket_info,status in Model A, there is the following code: class An extend Model { public function getUserTi...
has been developing with tp5.1 recently. Because of the requirements, there is no front-end separation, using the template engine. But a strange phenomenon occurs when I load a page occasionally that some classes of the system do not exist. Such as thi...
this sql statement, under thinkphp5.17 tp there is another problem. My sql statement is executed incorrectly. I can t see the error statement in the tract panel or runtime log. I want to see what I did wrong and what I think. ...
I use thinkphp5 I don t know how a key corresponds to a value when using cache my preliminary idea is to apply controller name concatenation method name splicing all passing parameters md5 encrypted string as key when you get the cache, you also...
follow the ThinkPHP5.0 official manual prompt: User::event( before_insert , function ($user) { if ($user->status != 1) { return false; } }); :https: manua... TP beforeInsert ,,,,. the direct insertion is s...
ask God to help me translate this native SQL statement into TP5 thank you! It is Db:: ( name )-> this kind of chained operation select, a.titlerect a. Createwriting time as answer_count from fa_question a. Isometric solvepaper count (b.qid) as ...
I set up User.php, User.php under the model layer and have a method getUserInfo to query the data, as follows: $userModel = new UserModel; dump($userModel->getUser()); dump(json_encode($userModel->getUser())); the first printed data is as follo...
for example, the following figure shows the error message and the corresponding file under applicationmobilesupportcontroller the namespace of both class files is namespace appmobilesupportController; Message file with the following use: use app...
how do you tp5 encapsulate the extension function of redis? Because there are only simple functions of set and get by default, guide me. ...
tried to trigger the click event in the inner layer, but triggered the mousedown in the outer layer the little girl asked for help <div ref="canvas" id="canvas" @mousedown="canvasDown($event)" @mousemove="canvas...
Why can t you play m3u8 directly using the video tag, but you can play m3u8 with an h5-wrapped player? ...
Can I choose instead? https: api post....
how to implement the pull-up load function in javascript and how to implement scroll snooping in vue.js? there are several problems to be faced when doing pull-up loading how do I listen for scroll scroll bar scrolling events? how can I tell that...