A novice to linux, I don t quite understand what the problem is. I bought a $2 vps, from cloudcone to put it on a blog, and then I installed a graphical interface xrdp, on the widnows remote Desktop according to the installation on the Internet. Howeve...
< H2 > ssl error was reported when python2.7.6 on ubuntu installed tornado with pip. < H2 > error message Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1,...
cannot log in after modifying the default port of a non-root user (- p 60000) sudo vi etc ssh sshd_config ...
the problem is like this. For example, I now have a data request and pass the requested data to redux. I do this (pseudocode): function getData() { return fetch(...) } function fn() { getData().then(res=>{ this.props.dispatch({ ...
what attributes does this custom icon highgcharts use to implement ...
the problem is that when I went to ES6, I saw let bar;let foo. , and then I named it with bar.html,foo when I first went to MDN to read the homologous policy. Do these two English have special meaning? as shown in the picture. though bored, is pure...
at present, there is a requirement to use Mini Program s swiper component to wrap the list of several items and swipe left and right to switch different lists, but the height of swiper is not self-adaptive. ), so if you want to get the height of the lis...
question vue create a test.js in assets js test.js . al = function(s){alert(s)}(window, document, XMLHttpRequest) export {al}; how do I introduce this js in the .vue file? or the requirement is how vue introduces OpenInstall ...