when some mobile phones (with small memory) take photos and upload pictures, return java.net.ProtocolException: expected XXX bytes but received XXX OKhttp ...
An error was reported when uploading pictures under https: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT . There is no problem when uploading some small pictures of several hundred kilos. Once it is greater than 3m, this error will be repo...
I am doing a weak network environment test. I connect my Android phone to a wireless network that limits the upload speed. I upload pictures (the speed is limited to 10kb, about 450kb). I find that every time the picture is sent out, it is very fast, bu...
Does the filePath in uploadFile have to be the address of the photo selected by chooseImage? It doesn t seem to work if I want to upload Wechat s profile picture (userInfo.avatarUrl) to the background. error report: what do I do if I want to uplo...
upload pictures using curl. Keep reporting timeout errors. Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received my curl function is as follows: function myCurl($data, $file = null) { if (!empty($file)) { $file_obj = curl_...
nginx data: ...
automatic upload is enabled. After uploading 5 images, you cannot choose to upload pictures again. How to break the limit of 5 pictures? ...
there was a problem uploading the file. Setting: with-credentials= "true " is invalid. Check that the request request in cookie does not carry anything 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
question: Vuejs frontend uploads pictures via nodejs = " nodejs returns a path of http: localhost:8080 server uploads temp 1.jpg to the frontend = " frontend report 404 cannot get this picture < hr > description: 1.Vuejs port 8080 ; nodejs port...
I originally wanted to learn what I saw on the web page, but found that I could not modify the style and debug it. May I ask the gods what this situation is like in the picture? Firefox can modify the debug style, but find the internal style sheet an...
getBulkProperties ...
A new account report_root , has been opened in MySQL and only gives the database report_import permission to operate. this account can log in normally, but any database can be read after login. so log in with your root account and everythin...
<?php $str1="Hello"; $str2="start PHP"; echo "<script>"; echo "alert( ".$str1." );"; echo "< script>"; ?> <input type="text" name="tx" size="20&...
I have a list,list whose element is dict. [{centre: (743), radius: 1105), radius: 41}, {centre: (743, 1106), radius: 48}, {centre: (899, 1443), radius: 48}, {centre: (900, 1442), radius: 40})] this is a data structure about the center and radius o...