I am learning the urllib library. I use the following code to request the home page of the face degree, and the result is < class bytes >. I have tried a variety of methods to decode it, but all of them are unsuccessful (error or null) the followin...
it is normal for the same proxy ip, to request with requests, but the request with scrapy.FormRequest will time out . related codes In [11]: r = requests.post( http: httpbin.org post , proxies={ http : proxy_server, https : proxy_server}) 2018...
def gen_media_requests(self, item, info): for image_url in item[ cimage_urls ]: yield scrapy.Request(image_url, meta={ item : item}) def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None): item = request.meta.get(...
recently, I was learning about crawlers, and then I used get to connect to the web page, and then I asked a lot of questions. I said one by one, when I get, I added the following information params = header header = {user-agent: xxxx} the resulting te...
parse post 1: 2:girlletterrequest 3::http: fanyi.baidu.com sug 4:formdata kw:girl 5:return json==> need package json from urllib import parse,request -sharpmanage json moudel import json 1:data urlopen 2:json style result ...
question: the content of the original text is "8080 ", but after crawling, different numbers are displayed each time. 1. Page content II. Program import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup User_Agent = Mozilla 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64...
recently, I learned node crawler. I wanted to practice the data crawler that requires login, so I used codeshelper to practice my hands. I have successfully solved the problem of random query and cookie Synchronize for every login request, and then dire...
beg the god to help me analyze the source of cookie on the home page of github.com. I encountered some trouble when analyzing the home page cookie trouble use google browser to enter the github.com page, first delete cookie, as follows cookie co...
it s OK for me to call df = ts.get_tick_data ( 601688 dating records 2015-08-25 ), but I can t call it up when I replace it with the function begin = datetime.date (2015 df = ts.get_tick_data ( "% Y-%m-%d ")). I think it s because the begin.strfti...
not long after I first came into contact with python, I needed to use regularities when crawling pages, but I was confused after reading python s re library for a long time. Maybe I got silly after a whole day s work. =-sharp I have many of the follow...
uses the scrapy.Request method to collect pages, but nothing is done. import scrapy def ret(response): print( start print ) print(response.body) url = https: doc.scrapy.org en latest intro tutorial.html v = scrapy.http.Request(url=url,...
as shown in the figure three websites, we need to grab the company name, address, and mobile phone number; the mobile phone number is easy to get, but the accuracy is not very high; for example, there is a string of numbers 1860126157733; will de...
empty referer has been disabled. hotlink protection-how to prevent fake referer from crawling audio and pictures in the page? ...
how do I play music on a web page so that users can t get the address of the music? it can be played on both mobile phone and computer web pages. is mainly to protect copyright and prevent users from getting the original audio. ...
import requests import random url = "https: hk.trip.com flights Ajax SearchFlight" payload = "------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW r nContent-Disposition: form-data; name= "context " r n r n{ "SearchNo "...
The link to the picture crawled by xpath is a relative link: div [@ class= thumb ] a picturehref. The result is 19.jpg how to get an absolute link, similar to http: www.example.com 19.jpg. is there any good way? thank you very much! ...
the backstage boss said not to write with vue in the future, saying that the crawler could not get the content in the web page. is it true that scaffolding vue or react items cannot be crawled? ...
<item> <title> <![CDATA[ IP ]]> < title> <link> <![CDATA[ cyzone_title_list=etree.HTML (response.text.encode ( utf-8 )) .XPath ( item title text () ) isn t text in title? http: www.cyzone.cn rss link ...
use pyspider to call phantomjs to render the page. Error: "no response from phantomjs ", status code 599. Phantomjs works on the terminal, but an error is reported as soon as you use the pyspider call, and both pyspider and phantomjs search for the late...
website is "Enterprise search " ...
what is Elm Architecture? ...
ActivitycategorycategorynullcategoryAndroidManifest.xml: secondActivity.java: : ...
there has just been a problem with the online code. The reason is that order sorting is not used in sql, resulting in inconsistent results of each query. So what is the default collation for mysql without specifying order by? ...
excuse me, after flask query mysql, plus limit offset, how to determine whether the return value is found or not? r = Lines.query.filter(Lines.jp.like( %% )).limit(10).offset(10) print (r) returns sql string print (r is None) is always False print...
there is a page that requests an interface API to return a large amount of data this data will be updated irregularly (once every 10 days every half a month) how can this data be stored locally? after the local cache, after the next interface data u...