such as the title. if only to separate stylesheets, then the plug-in ExtractTextWebpackPlugin in webpack can also solve the problem of style separation and referencing element-ui requires the introduction of all styles separately. If only one componen...
when webpack is packaged in vue-cli, MD5 is added to prevent caching. Can you replace MD5 with a timestamp? How to change it? ...
when vue is packaged, how to make it not delete the original files in dist? projects need to be compatible. I don t want users to click on the page to report errors that js can t find every time the version is released online. ...
babel-polyfill can make us happy to use es6 , es7 API , but often only part of these API are used in the project, and a babel-polyfill is compressed with a size of nearly 100k, which is really scary. for example, I want Promise to be used ...
has used vue to do two projects, a multi-page, a single page from a personal point of view still prefer a single-page approach, the benefits of more concise compilation of faster components can be very convenient communication between the use of vuex and...
vue-cli is installed globally, but I will report an error as long as I add another package. aren t both vue add and npm install available ...
Vue CLI reported an error in Sogou and IE11 browsers error message is: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token. is this a babel configuration problem? The default babel.config.js configuration file content is module.exports = { presets: [ ...
problem description want to achieve a component X, according to the incoming prop mode, dynamic load component C1 component c2max. component c10000 in one of the requirements can not be loaded extra chunk, to achieve lazy load that is, if the ...
built a website with antd pro 2.0, and there was a problem when supporting IE11; is going to solve it by loading a series of plug-ins for babel. When loading babel-polyfill, because umi is introduced in the way of webpack-chain, rather than using webpac...
the current version of webpack has been upgraded to 4, but the previous version of webpack is 3.6. wants to view webpack s documentation today, but only finds the latest version of webpack s documentation. address: https: con. if ...
it is not yet time for packaging. The local introduction has already reported an error in file path. I am configured to write file-loader . { test: .mp3$ , use: [{ loader: "file-...
the project is built using vue-cli, but the packaged app.css file is 1.22m. How can this be optimized? Baidu mainly found the optimization of vendor.js, but did not find the optimization of css. For advice, thank you ...
vue project can run well locally, and js cannot be loaded after deployment to the server bosses, excuse me, after deployment to the server, the home page can be loaded, but cannot make a request. What is the reason for opening the browser information ...
the server An interface I want to request is A http: qianbomall app login server B interface http: cityjson. now I set up ProxyTable proxyTable: [{ api : { target: http: , chang...
browser error ReferenceError: React is not defined login.js import React from react ; import { render } from "react-dom"; render( <h1>test< h1>, document.getElementById( root ) ); webpack.config.js ...
there is nothing wrong with IE9,10,11 in development mode, but only IE11 can open it after build. Other versions are blank .babelrc { "presets": [ ["env", { "modules": false, "targets": { ...
problem description UglifyJs error (ERROR in 1.2db93f96dd466683d093.chunk.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: operator (when iview admin project npm run build is packaged (ERROR in 1.2db93f96dd466683d093.chunk.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: operat...
after the react project webpack is packaged and released, open the blank on some of the old models of Apple 6, Apple 6S, OPPO and VIVO Wechat, and use vconsole to check that there is no error message output. 1. It is normal to use a mobile browser to ...
nuxt project, do automatic conversion in the development and production interfaces, judge process.env.NODE_ENV, but print process.env.NODE_ENV is always undefined, this is how this is going on, build has been set to production and how to clear the ...
configuring CSS Modules has no effect. when you try to configure it like the official website document, add this code, all css styles will fail configuration figure: modules modulesheader ...
problem description failed to load json using bootstrap-table the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried the choice of parameter configuration has been tried, and onLoadSuccess can execute . related codes P...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compati...
problem description has considered the compatibility issue, but the same code only writes this part of the function that can be run on IE8. The main reason is that it does not understand which element is undefined, so that it is impossible to get . t...
the method I m using now is to spine the effect, then export the sequence diagram, and then export the svga animation through AN s svga plug-in. the reason for doing this is that I am good at spine animation, the effect and speed I can guarantee. but...
my code uses the image of the target path as the watermark. How to change it to the user name of the uploader as the watermark? The user name tag is [ attach_name ] if ($upload_data[ is_image ] == 1) { foreach (AWS_APP::config()...