I have tried that the packaged apk file of the project can be used on Android. What should I do if I want to use it on iOS? do I have to build a new iOS environment on macOS? ...
FlatList there is a getItemLayout method this is how the Chinese website is introduced getItemLayout is an optional optimization to avoid the overhead of dynamically sizing content, but only if you know the height of the content in advance. If...
After the ReactNative APP is minimized, run application is run each time to create a new page, which can be seen by returning the Android physical return key. scene: a. Go to the page with the form and enter 1 b. After minimizing the application, re...
I can t get the geographic location information using react-native-amap-geolocation. Please give me some advice on AndroidManifest.xml configuration < manifest xmlns:android= "http: schemas.android.com apk res android " package="com.gyf.dairy...
rn version: 0.57.8 react-native-code-push version: 5.4.1 after pushing the non-mandatory hot update to the server, as soon as the client calls codePush.checkForUpdate, it downloads the update and installs it directly, even without calling codePush.sy...
reactnative webview Android disable springback effect is invalid bounces=false has been set in webview Why does it still have a rebound effect during real machine testing? ...
use the react-navigation component, how to dynamically set the default page initialRouteName for routing, is that after opening app, the user does not log in and the login page is displayed by default. If the user is logged in, open app to display ...
The layout is as follows: the above View displays personal information. The middle Tab component, the Tab component passes in a FlatList (the key point is that there is a Tab component ) . but this only scrolls FlatList , which means that th...
rn project packaging apk exception error message ...
problem description A chat APP,APP we made with RN+redux is launched, and users report that if the number of chats is slightly more, the super card will fail, especially on the Android side. I used react-navigation, and there was a significant delay i...
how does the Image component in react-native adapt to the width and height of the parent component? question details are as follows In the page, there is a view component whose width and height is 200cm 100, and this view component contains an Ima...
componentDidUpdate(){ let arran=this.props.shipmmsi; this.kick=arran; this.getshipteamtemporaryDataServer() } getshipteamtemporaryDataServer=()=>{ didupdate let shipmmsiarr=this.kick var arr=[]; for(var i in shipmmsiarr){ ...
in our rn project, the picture is saved like this: logo@1x.png, logo@2x.png, logo@3x.png is quoted like this: require ( . logo.png ); however, because the string @ 1x is omitted, jest will report an error because it can not find the file path, ...
problem description detailed error information: . src component Login.js Line 13: inject is not defined no-undef Search for the keywords to learn more about each error. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have ...
android push google-based cloud service in Expo (react native) project can only be replaced ...
all components can use the status Manager (mobx) to update the status to switch between the Chinese and English versions, but the bottom navigation react-navigation cannot be updated? May I ask which god knows how to solve it? ...
problem description D: client>yarn start yarn run v1.12.3 $ react-app-rewired start D: client config-overrides.js:3 config = injectBabelPlugin(["@babel plugin-proposal-decorators", { legacy: true }], config); ^^^^^^ SyntaxError...
recently, after upgrading the version of the project react-native from 0.55.0 to 0.57.8, I found that the large image on the first screen has become jagged. It is very clear at 0.55.0. Has anyone encountered it? How to solve it? ...
problem description import {createStackNavigator, createAppContainer} from "react-navigation " when introduced, the error is reported as follows: the environmental background in which the problem occurs react-native: 0.57.8 react-navigation: 3...
in the Upload of Iview shown in the title, only file.name can get the file name. I tried file.path again, and the result is empty. Ask for help. How to solve the problem that I can t get the absolute path of the local picture there is also a small pr...
parent template: <div> <Top`` :navbars="navbars" @toJump="toJump" > <div class="container"> <router-view>< router-view> < div> < div> scr...
when using vuex, you can see that some projects create a new mutation-types.js file under the store folder, such as the following: export const RECEIVE_ADDRESS = receive_address export const RECEIVE_USER_INFO = receive_user_info export ...
there are two items in PHPstudy and directory, one can run normally and the other reports 403. you don t have access to this on the server. what s going on? Please give me some advice ...
<el-select size="small" placeholder="" @change="handDangerousNatureSelect" v-model="form.dicDangertype"> <el-option :label="item.codename" :value="item.pkCodenum...