problem description add a processor to the scss sass file in the webpack configuration file and introduce the global sass variable, but use the variable in the vue template to indicate that the variable does not exist the environmental background of...
problem description I need to create a new project now. I have installed the node.js, Taobao image and scaffolding. There is something wrong with the initialization project in the last step. Please take a look at it . the platform version of the prob...
const webpack = require("webpack"); const path = require( path ); const glob = require( glob ); const CleanWebpackPlugin = require( clean-webpack-plugin ); dist const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require( html-webpack-plugin ); html const...
just added a file to the file min.js, did not introduce import, unexpectedly can not run, reported an error. I don t know why memory overflow: JavaScript heap out of memory 60% building modules 423 463 modules 40 active ...ockjs-client lib even...
configuration in package.json { "name": "pack", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "app main.js", "scripts": { "test": "e...
I use webpack4 and then the config folder in the project contains dev.config.json and prod.config.json . I want to control which configuration file is introduced through environment variables at the front end. Here s what I m doing right now, as fo...
now you are working on a project with webpack@3.10.0, and you need to install webpack-dev-server. if I install npm I webpack-dev-server directly, I will install the latest version of webpack-dev-server, and remind me to update webpack above version ...
cannot connect to the public network, but there is a npm image. You want to use webstorm s vue template to create a project is to configure webpack?. It s still vue-cli?. or give up using scaffolding to guide packages directly ...
react-notifications library and material-ui library are used when reactjs is developed, both of which depend on react-transition-group library, react-notifications depends on version 1.2.1, and material-ui depends on version 2.2.1. When, npm install is ...
vue-cli 3.0 vue ui Open the graphical interface, but the interface keeps loading reporting errors as follows Unhandled GraphQL subscription error Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network error: Cannot use GraphQLSchema "[object Object]" fro...
plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ inlineSource: .(js|css)$ embed all javascript and css inline }), new HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin() ] HtmlWebpackInlineSourcePlugin plug-in, if there are multiple pages, multiple new HtmlWebpa...
if (!isIE9) { import swiper dist css swiper.min.css } else { import swiper2 dist idangerous.swiper.css } as above will report an error import and export may only appear at the top level because the project needs to support ie9, s...
, .. .. .. such words seem to be a configuration problem, rookies will not change, call for help! Thank you! ...
I want to use pug,stylus to develop Mini Program, and finally use webpack to package to generate a dist directory such as page index index.pug index.styl index.json index.js generate dist page index index.wxml i...
1.webpack parses .vue into a js, so how does vue register this js as a component 2. Whether this component is a global component or a local component 3. If it is a local component, how is it injected ...
error when using iview framework toast components in mpvue Module parse failed: Unexpected token (17:8) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. page introduces const {$Toast} = require ( ".. static iview toast index "); h...
now the root path of the packaged project is but the project is in a folder, so you need to add a layer filename in front of the path of the packaged file to access it. How should I do this? ...
problem: because you want to introduce pictures directly into the html file through the img tag, html-withimg-loader is configured in webpack. But in this way, a similar in the html file cannot be parsed! ...
{ test: .css$ , use: [ { loader: style-loader useable }, { loader: postcss-loader , options:{ ident: postcss , plugins:[ re...
as mentioned, I want to use the babel-core plug-in to implement a simple demo, code that compiles es6 code as follows: src main.js var babel = require("@babel core"); let code = ` let a = 1; let b = 2 let add = (a, b) => { ...
I use the test number , as shown in the following figure I don t know whether the JS interface security domain name cannot be configured as http: localhost:8080. ...,,xxx@xxxxx,xxx@xxxx,..... there will be multiple mailboxes. I only need to check the @ symbol and the English comma at the end of the mailbox. I don t check anything else. How do I write this rule ? ...
the project I developed is a multi-page application, and the second html page created cannot be developed in the form of vue single-file components, so the DOM structure is written in the html page, but the relative path is used in html to introduce the ...
in history mode, you can return to the top using scrollBehavior, but the previous page rolls back to the top and then switches the page so that it flashes. I would like to ask, is there any other way besides scrollBehavior,? ...
Do you need to manually delete a pointer defined in the CPP function (not the main function) at the end of the function? Or will the system automatically delete? as at the end of this code, is that delete redundant? void mergeArray(int * & A, int ...