extern seems to solve this problem main.c -sharpinclude <stdio.h> -sharpinclude "ggg.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { ggg(); return 0; } ggg.h -sharpifndef ggg_h -sharpdefine ggg_h -sharpinclude <stdio.h&g...
encapsulate a simple library in js or vue (such as a loading), and then upload it to gitHub, and generate dependencies for later use by other projects. What is the specific process and operation? Do you guys have any tutorials? It is best to guide in per...
a + + b aNaN Why is the result of this addition aNaN , has a boss to explain? Thank you very much ...
use the better-scroll plug-in to achieve the effect of x-axis sliding. refers to https: zhuanlan.zhihu.com p ., which says that the data in the list is often obtained asynchronously, so we need to initialize the better-scroll after this code is the...
this is the data from axios. there are three plates that can be slid to navigate, but now they cannot slide . ...
The process object is a global variable of node and provides information about the current Node process. The process.env property returns an object containing all the environment variables of the current shell . in webpack , we often create...