as mentioned in the question, does xorm reflect foreign keys directly in the structure? ...
the environment I use is go version go1.11.1 windows amd64 xorm + Sqlite3 I am using type User struct { Id int `json:"id" xorm:"pk autoincr unique(UNIQUE) INT(10) notnull"` Name string `json:"name" xorm...
when using xorm to query Join join tables, because both tables have Id fields and other fields, the official website needs to add anonymous references if they repeat: : GoogleGO : xorm : removed the first structure and wrote two heavy fiel...
componentDidMount() { getTaskState this.props.dispatch(getTaskState("status")) this.props.dispatch(getTaskState( type )) } const homeReducer = (state=initialState, action) => { if(action.type === GET_TASK...
problem description node-v normal, npm-v error: npm install: npm run dev : npm run build nodenpm -vvue-clinodevue-cli C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingnpmnpm-cache ...
problem: the project needs to develop 485 serial communication on the android panel. The serial port needs to be monitored after the read command is sent, and the communication is not considered to have failed after N time. Use java s FutureTask with F...
<style lang="postcss" scoped> @import @pages job-manager create-job.css ; .left{ width:700px !important; } .vue-input-tag-wrapper{ line-height: 20px; border: 1px solid -sharpdddee1; border-radius: 4px !important; bo...
<?php $filters = array ( "name" => array ( "filter"=>FILTER_CALLBACK, "flags"=>FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY, "options"=>"ucwords" ), "age" => array ( "filter"=>FILTER_VALIDA...